From REINICKENDORF reported Gerd Appenzeller , especially on the enthusiastic reception bereitetet 850 pupils of the Thomas-Mann-gymnasium, the German Chancellor, as well as, for example, about these topics, among others: +++ In the Ernst road in Borsig forest chain saw +++ On the Humboldt trail through Tegel +++
From the MIDDLE Laura Hofmann reports, for example, hereby raced: +++ The interest of the community is for nickname “Nikolai quarter” for the new metro station, Red town hall a +++ the flower shop and Snack bar on the S-Bahn station is new and modern concepts to Bellevue “” soft +++ district criticized to save lives #helmet campaign as sexist +++
And from NEUKÖLLN Madlen hair Bach reported, among other things, on these topics: +++ Neukölln extends milieu protection areas, thus also protecting the Hasenheide 71 + + + / Hear the choir sing against exclusion: The neukölln dragonflies are looking for a new choir Director +++ the attack against dog poop: Peter-Petersen-school has been fighting for 20 years against animal anti-personnel mines +++
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