The popular initiative “Deutsche Wohnen & co.” is to expropriate about to take his first hurdle: 15,000 signatures have been collected, the initiators in the first seven hours, according to their own information. The activists reported on Sunday on its Facebook page.

For a request for the initiation of the people’s desire, must be submitted to the Senate of the interior, the 20,000 valid signatures needed. If the signatures are valid, it would have been gathered, the Initiative is already three quarter of the required sum. The initiators want to collect at least 50,000 signatures.

The signature collection began on Saturday at the “rent insanity”Demo in the middle of thousands of people against rising Rents and for affordable housing on the street are gone.

Video 06.04.2019, 20:13 Uhr04:23 Min.Tens of thousands demonstrate against “rent insanity”

With the referendum, the Initiative aims to urge the state of Berlin to expropriate housing corporations with more than 3000 apartments. The aims in particular to Deutsche Wohnen. The company owns in Berlin, approximately 112,000 dwellings, and every now and then, because of his dealing with the tenants in the criticism.

daily mirror people

Free the people order How is desire?

required desire In which started in Berlin people in the first stage, 20 000 signatures. The Quorum is reached, it must be dealt with by the house of representatives with the Initiative. The Parliament rejected, would launch a referendum. The Alliance has four months time. The necessary Quorum of supporters is seven percent of the electorate, the equivalent of 170 000 signatures. Then it came to a referendum.

the Chairman of The Board of Deutsche Wohnen, Michael Zahn, expressed understanding for the problems of finding an Apartment, but called at the same time, more government funding. The expropriation debate is to be conducted “very populist and ideological”. In a guest post for the daily mirror, he explained, the new building fail too often to the interests of individuals, building projects in Berlin would be aware of delayed.

170,000 people would have to sign

– as already now signs of the people desire to create the first stage and 20,000 valid signatures to submit must address the house of representatives. The Parliament rejects the Initiative, it would start a petition for a referendum.

In the second section is then carried out, the actual people desire. For a draft law or other decision must, within four months at least seven percent of the members of the house eligible to sign, what is currently in Berlin, around 170,000 people.

the referendum comes about, must also be held within four months, according to the Berlin Constitution to a referendum. For a successful vote, the initiators here at least 613.000 “Yes”votes. The process of petition and referendum is also to be found on the website of the Federal state of Berlin.

To decide the most well-known successful People such as the “people’s decision to Bicycle”, the led 2018, the Senate decided the mobility law belonged to in the past in Berlin. The referendum on the Tempelhof field of 2014 was also successful. It provides for the Non-development of the former Airfield. The last was, however, discussed a possible edge construction for residential and commercial spaces.

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wave of protest against “rent insanity” anger about expensive Housing tens of thousands on the street

Johannes C. Bockenheimer

in 2017, driving a majority of Berlin in addition to the referendum Tegel for the continued operation of the airport. As reported, close to the airport, however, half a year after the BER opening. The grounds to land a “Smart City” with residential and commercial. Legally, the decisions are not binding.