Tired in the day? As many others have, you might have been up late at night and is a bit dull this year the first day? Best then to rest and do as little as possible. Maybe ignore in cooking, buy some pizza and sit on the couch?

There are no numbers on it, but pizzakonsumtionen in Sweden learn to be highest on new year’s day. The baked fragrant crunchy wheels is the perfect slapparmaten. You need not even cutlery.

around the diet and weight begins many year with the dish that gets nutritionists and kostfanatiker shudder of horror. The pizza is one of the few ätbarheter as a principle rejected by all the diets, with their combination of high number of calories, to many carbs and that much fat – but very little of the vitamins and other important nutrients.

And in this way, the pizza is classic fattigmansmat. Historically, it has usually looked like this around the world: the rich have eaten more protein and more varied, while the poor got fobbed with kolhydratstinn bukfylla. When they are not starving.

In east Asia for the masses further back mainly rice. And one of the reasons, say the food scientists, for example, the Korean surkålen kimchi become so smakstark is that even a small dose would give taste to a large amount of rice.

The Korean surkålen kimchi. Photo: Cliff Owen/AP

in the 1800s, when the various smakintensiva dips and sauces, as mustard, ketchup, chutney, soy sauce, and countless pickles became popular. They would spice up the dry brödbitarna and the potatoes – which were the usual bulkmaten.

Smaktillägget, which could also be a small piece of herring or pork, were called relish, something you value highly. And gradually it came to denote a group of their own with inlaid.

These small smakbomber often had to substitute for protein intake completely for the poorest of the poor, especially for women, usually for the worst. The amount of meat or fish as the household could afford went in the first place to the man who otherwise would not make with his manual labor, and in the other hand to the children, who needed it to keep itself healthy and able to grow. The result was that many of the poorest women halvsvalt for long periods of time.

or ebullition of the pot, the bread was also common throughout the western world. Yes, to take a piece of bread and dip it in something or spread something on it, people had made in all times (as well as to dip it in kokspad). Because the bread in many older communities, was dried in order to be able to keep needed something wet or lubricant to get down to the hard skalkarna. And it is in this light that one can consider the pizza. From the beginning is the admittedly diet for poor people.

the Pizza story is both impressively long and surprisingly short. The flat bread was one of the first loaves in the fornhistorien. In the societies of present Jordan, Iraq and Egypt, where brödbakandet started, used, inter alia, the hot stones to bake or perhaps roast the flat breads. The oldest record of it is the whole 14,000 years old. And in the Middle east is such plattingar than in the day part of the think that led american – pita, khebz and markook. Similar to the bread found around the world. Among other things, indian naan, mexican tortilla, injera from Ethiopia and Eritrea, as well as sami gahkku.

Something more similar to pizza – bread with something good at the top – appeared in ancient Greece, where it was called the plakuntos. In the next civilization, Rome, the baked one focaccia and the like quite a thick, flat bread. And already then clicked on the dips on the bread that were sold on the street.

A so-called white pizza, with crème fraiche instead of tomato sauce in the bottom. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

was a full-blown pizza of course. The big karaktärsmaken was missing: tomato. For despite the fact that today there are a lot of pizzas without tomato sauce, as so-called white pizzas where you use the sour cream or smetana that sauce, tomato sauce is fundamental in the pizza genre.

So not until europeans found the Americas and the first tomatoes appeared in Italy in the 1500’s, there were conditions. Exactly when the pizza in the sentence was to is unclear. Probably had baked flat bread with food unbroken in the port city of Naples since the city founded by the greeks, and it was where the first pizza restaurant was founded in 1738. The first recipe for tomato sauce, however, is dated 1781, so if you used the salsa di pomodoro on the Antica pizzeria Port’Alba, as the place was called, is unclear.

The usual story is that the pizza was invented in 1889 when the Italian queen Margherita of Savoy, visited Naples, and three kinds of pizza: pizza marinara (oregano, garlic), pizza Napoli (with anchovise) and one with tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil, which of an event are the colors of the Italian flag. She would then become so fond of the third, she named it after himself. A magnificent anecdote that is wholly or partially fictional – in order to provide advertising to pizzabagaren itself.

margheritan the world’s leading pizza, and in many places, not least in the united states is the fact originalpizzan, and of course, the first listed on the menu. In Naples maintains the Associazione vera pizza napoletana – the true neapolitan pizza association rules: Tomatoes must be of the variety San Marzano-tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella is used and the dough is not rolled but is kneaded out by hand and baked in wood-fired oven.

But what is this about, really? How can a piece of bread with some påsmetad tomato sauce and a little grated cheese arouse such emotion and such requests of millions of people the world over?

Pizza in a pizzeria in Chicago in the united states – the country that eats the most pizza per capita in the world. Photo: the Advice of Rousseau/TT

IN the USA – where the pizzerias was started in New York right at the beginning of the 1900s and then spread in the 1920s, more and more major cities such as Boston, Chicago and Saint Louis – do you eat the most pizza per capita in the world. There are three billion pizzas per year with a population of about 320 million. It’s all here, from thin crusted pizzas baked in a coal-fired oven, at the New York-way to thick pannpizzor, embedded, halvbakade and cones with pizzafyllning. And there are few countries where one can’t order a pizza, in the larger cities at least.

the simple composition – akterseglad in the statistics of burger – to become so extremely popular?

Yes, one thing has all the blockbuster fast-food joint: felmarginalerna is great. As with the burgers are also a halvkass pizza enjoyable. There are many gourmet dishes that would be disgusting if cooked wrong, but also a pizza with less dough, the tomato sauce not cooked long enough and the cheese comes from the dairy companies soiled the excess production provides decent enjoyment.

Read more: Jens Linder nyårsanpassade pizzarecept.

another factor is the cheap ingredients. Because the bread constitutes the main part of the product, you can sell the pizzas are inexpensive and yet go around. So that even the poorest can beg to the pennies and buy at least a slice of cake of a whole pizza.

A third secret is variety. Admittedly dominates the simply flavoured specimens in the world, but the variability is huge. Not least in Sweden we have become accustomed to rampant combinations. Which, incidentally, can shock visitors from the U.S. or Italy, where the standard is more conservative.

, banana, pineapple, feta cheese, fillet of beef with béarnaise sauce, kebab, blue cheese, jerusalem artichokes, truffles, kale and mushrooms, we raise no eyebrows. It requires more odd numbers in order to arouse the attention of: beef tenderloin & au gratin mashed potatoes (plank); meat sauce and spaghetti; meatballs with mashed and gravy; sausages, meatballs, salmon and beetroot salad (for christmas); fried chicken and dip; file and the flakes and pineapple, ice cream and chocolate sauce. I would not recommend the otherwise compulsory oregano on any of these.

the Most famous of bizarropizzorna is enough calskrove from Skellefteå, sweden, where they bake into burgers and fries in a calzone. It is rewritten in the entire world.

A Calskrove. Photo: Restaurant Tre Kronor

the More pretentious pizzas have come and gone. Chefs create every now and then the pizzas with truffles, foie gras, caviar and other old lyxingredienser, but it tends to neither be good nor particularly appreciated. The pizza is, and remains, simple and rustic. Which Barack Obama and other politicians got the feel of when the avätit pizza pies with a knife and fork. Mockery and ridicule have followed by comedians and the media. Even if it among the common people is not at all a hard rule to eat them in pieces in nypan.

use scissors to pizza and eat the pieces directly from the box, along with the pizza salad, which actually is a Swedish phenomenon, which balances the crisp, smetiga the bread its springy texture.

the Very best is slukandet in front of someone lovely feature in the tv-couch. Something which is, therefore, recommended that the first of the year, lethargic and hungry day.

Read more: the History of the Swedish pizza