clearly, for Weber, it is a home game. Passau situated in lower Bavaria, the CSU promoted with the thinning hair, the district Chairman was there until his start in politics in Europe. But when the applause does not want to end up in the bulging three-country-hall, as the other, and actually the Central Person in the political ash Wednesday, in Bavaria give the microphone again and Clapping involved must vote in – because you feel that there is not, steal the Show of the new Prime Minister and party chief if, however, in the trailer’s favor, the water may be sufficient. Although it is quite different and for a different CSU stands as Markus Söder and his predecessor.

Talk for the first time will be simultaneously interpreted English

Alone, who has brought them to this Weber. To experience the candidates for the office of President of the EU Commission on domestic stage, so many international observers that the Speeches of the traditional CSU-spectacle transmitted for the first time, simultaneous translation into English. In the swarm for the free state and the duration of the ruling CSU Söder speaks later on of “Bavarian Dream of Life”.

Weber did not disappoint the far-travelled. The 46-Year-old shows a clear edge. Europe will be a Donald Trump, not by criminal customs-threats of blackmail. He’ll see to it, “not only for craftsmen pay their taxes, but also the Apples and the Facebooks of this world”. And the accession talks with Turkey would stop him as Commission chief immediately. By Policy Expertise.

Weber called AfD politicians are “dipshits”

it depends on the audience, brings the expected applause. But clapping is also, as Weber is a passionate plea for Europe, recalled how the continent without the EU would not look that prosperity, freedom and a long-time peace be conceivable.

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Free of charge p And then it goes against the “dumb-ass”. Weber occupied the right-wing populist AfD several times with this vocabulary. These types of would “getting bolder and more and more radical”, wanted Germany to destroy. The CSU will fight them with all his strength. Söder is to record this tone later, and even strengthen – as a document for the Mea Culpa, which he has to knock himself in front of his faithful ash Wednesday-parish times: “We have made in the last year, some of it wrong. But we have learned from it“.

Let the Nazis alone”

Söder was in Passau, a year ago, as the main speaker on the stage – but only as a replacement, because Horst Seehofer had to because of a flu, stay in bed. The 52-Year-old is casual, with jacket and three-day beard. And he is not to fall into the meanders of his predecessor. Even if it is not without an audience effective detour to forbidden Indian costume school tails of the climate activists. The man on the microphone would have demonstrated, instead of sitting in Latin class, already. However, for Franz-Josef-Strauss, as he emphasized.

all kidding aside, a clear political demarcation. A year ago, railed Söder against burqas and Berlin’s policy. Now Gauland, Höcke & co. are the dominant theme. And attacks objective: The AfD was “clear on the way to the extreme Right-wing”, announced the CSU Chairman. It was not only “lonely, confused Conservative”. Söders-appeal to remaining Moderate: “return and leave the Nazis alone in the AfD.” And he is also the thorny dispute about the right way to deal with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the European people’s party (EPP), not the outside. You are not going to leave Europe, “nationalists, populists or the extremists,” says Söder, referring to the topic. Weber had expressed in Passau.

Söder: armed with the CDU will not repeat itself

About the, to date, the predominant recurring theme of the CSU, not to talk of the problems with refugees and asylum wants to Söder this time. Immigration means “enrichment,” he announces instead. And that it is also “aid and solidarity”, “love”. This fits with his promise, which is not expected to have only registered in the hall sitting at the end of the CDU-General Paul Ziemiak with interest. “With us,” says Söder, “will not repeat itself in 2015 and the whole of the quarrel afterwards.”

And the other parties? The social Democrats are in a nutshell. “We will not do anything, only the SPD benefits,” says Söder. Their plans for a welfare state be reform, “poison for the economy”, a shift to the left in Germany is not allowed to give it. And if the Comrades believed, “the bar is now incredibly high” and the coalition agreement after the European elections again re-negotiate, they would have deceived themselves.

With a private three-day beard against Habeck

Depth of the CSU-Chairman with the Green. Know-it-alls, called Söder. Makes it clear that you “had no Copyright on the environment and climate protection.”, the CSU green politics as well. And particularly the popularity of party leader Robert Habeck seems to him umzutreiben. Cubits long, with the own sympathy with values, fighting Söder pale about “these are the preachers of democracy”. To crawl to at the end of the self-complacent of its new three-day beard. “So casual like Habeck, we are already for a long time,” he says. “Just – we have more to grow.”