Recently Theresa May calling Tim Roache. You have to exit in a civilized way to talk about the planned EU-and about the dire consequences of the possible Chaos-Brexit, in the Jargon, “No Deal”, reported the Chairman of the industrial trade Union GMB in the past week. Although we are of different opinion, but: “I am glad that the Prime Minister has reported, after nearly three years, for the first time with me.”

individual and small – group conversations with obscure behind bänklern of the lower house, phone calls to Union to visit a porcelain factory in Central England Stoke bosses, yesterday, quickly, frantically, the British head of government has taken in the past few days, all efforts to save the Central project of their term of office. This Tuesday, the Parliament agreed to get the package from the outlet of the Treaty and the political Declaration, had brought with him, the 62-Year-old in November in Brussels. And despite the re-asseveration of good will, with the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister to strengthen yesterday on the back tried to apply as a done deal: The Deal is rejected. Doubtful seems to be only the height of defeat for the government.

In the media, in government pronouncements of “Mays Deal”, as the Boss, I brought the agreement, all alone, and she had to answer now all alone. On one hand this is of course nonsense. On the other hand, especially in the case of this Prime Minister closer to the truth than usual, what with the bitter remark of the trade Union leader leaves Roache’s testimony.

May has managed at no time since the inauguration in July 2016 – a few weeks after the tight Brexit vote in the Referendum (52:48 percent), the most fundamental Change in British Foreign and domestic policy on a broad Foundation. Instead of the opposition parties, and other social groups to approach, they made the silly Slogan of the EU-the enemies own: “We want to get control back.” She was talking about the “global Britain”, denounced at the same time international British as “citizens of nowhere”.

Explicitly excluded “in the national interest” elections for months, you cry out then, in the spring of 2017, “in the national interest”. To reach rather than the opinion polls, according to a landslide victory over the demoralised Labour Opposition under your altlinken-in-chief Jeremy Corbyn, lost May the narrow conservative majority government. In a panic she made to the prisoners of the ultra-conservative Northern Irish unionist party DUP.

Before the vote, May resembles more and more its predecessor

All of this depends on the government’s head like a millstone. There are many indications that the now on the table, the Deal is actually “in the national interest,” as max says. But no one believes her.

As the then Minister of the interior in the Brexit-the Chaos of the summer of 2016, and David Cameron in the Downing Street replaced, seemed to be watching her every man for himself attractive. Specifically, the on state schools behaved granddaughter of a housemaid and the daughter of an Anglican clergyman from of the Clique smarter, on the best private schools in the country-bred upper-class boys, one of which is Cameron, as well as Brexit-champion, Boris Johnson. It is not a showy politician, May, ideological certainty or personal ambition to your remote hardware. “I am the daughter of a country pastor, and the granddaughter of a senior staff Sergeant,” she said, “service to the community has defined me for as long as I can remember.”

But communication across groups and across party lines-belongs to the core task of politicians in the 21st century. Century. Even more so in deeply divided the UK in 2019. May has not contacted a single Time, specifically in those 48 percent who wanted to stay three years ago in the EU. And they never explained the 52 percent open, that the outlet is only accomplished with enormous difficulty and painful compromises.

Before the vote, the Prime Minister resembles more and more its predecessor. Like Cameron in February 2016, also May from Brussels has brought in many respects advantageous Deal. Cherry-picking should not be allowed to give it to, it had welcomed in advance in Brussels. The result of the negotiations, however, believes the CDU-Brexitexperte Detlef Seif, “comes the cherry-picking very close”. From a victory the EU could be no question.

Exactly this impression, but politics and media have created on the island, this Winter, as well as after Cameron’s return from Brussels negotiating table in February 2016. The former head of the government gave, within 48 hours, all Attempts to price the benefits of his agreement. Instead, Cameron implored the negative consequences of Brexit for the economy. Similar May moves now. To advertise, instead of persistently and aggressively for the exit package, she speaks of the greatest possible misfortune: Should not come about of Brexit, would be “a catastrophic loss of confidence”. And a departure, without a contract, could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom.

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Brexit vote of The hard Brexit must be prevented

Christoph von Marschall

you Probably May even right. Only you think no one.