The trial against Frankfurt Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD) on suspicion of corruption was over on Monday shortly after it began: Feldmann was unable to appear at the hearing for health reasons. His lawyers submitted a certificate to the court stating that he was not fit to stand trial because of a “mental state of emergency”.

In addition, Feldmann is currently at the health department because there is a suspicion of a corona infection. Without the accused, however, the trial could not take place.

Originally, for the last day of negotiations before the referendum on Feldmann’s deselection on November 6, former Social Affairs Director Daniela Birkenfeld was invited as a witness.

The public prosecutor accuses Feldmann of accepting donations and other benefits from the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (Awo). In return, he wanted to benevolently consider the interests of the social association. Feldmann has always denied the allegations, including in the hearing last week.

The case against the SPD politician, who has been the mayor of Frankfurt for ten years, is linked to the Awo scandal involving allegations of fraud amounting to millions of euros against former leading functionaries of the association in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden.

Feldmann’s partner at the time is said to have received the management post of an Awo daycare center for a significantly inflated salary, although she had no management experience. It is also about raising donations for Feldmann’s re-election by the Awo.