ST. PETERSBURG (Dagbladet): Putin’s annual press conference on Thursday was about the predictable kick to the Ukraine. On the serious – and timely – concern that the post-cold-war-tidas atom and disarmament treaties are about to be undermined. And questions about his personal life and marital status, which was parert with a slant smile.

Vladimir Putin does not hide that he is totally boss. But he does it in an often fluffy, and not infrequently, a humorous way. And he goes straight home with most people. Putin’s annual marathon-press conferences have been the Russian’s flirtation with the people, more than it is the press arena to ask difficult and critical questions. It is a format the Russian president speaks elegantly. Thursday’s meeting with the press emphasizing that it putinske the project is in a stable side position.

a press conference that did not contain the big news, let us begin with what for many will be the most important of which, strictly speaking, is not so important. Putin was asked if he will soon marry.

– As a decent man, so I have the it, a day, replied Putin. Then he asked the journalist who asked the question whether he himself was married. The answer was yes, and Putin replied:

He is married, and he will that I shall also have it good, said he, to easily humring from pressekorpset. But Putin said nothing about who he should marry.

Putin can’t keep a long press conference without a kick to the Ukraine. He accused the Ukrainian president Petro Porosjenko to have sent the Ukrainian soldiers in death, to blow up popularity before the presidential elections in march.

They hoped that some of them would die. Thank God, it didn’t happen, ” said Putin. The Russian president referred to the incident in the Kerch strait 25. november, when Russia table four Ukrainian naval vessels that they were on the way from the Black sea to the Azov sea, through the narrow Kerch strait. The 24 Ukrainian marine soldiers sitting arrested in Moscow, and the united STATES and the EUROPEAN union require them released. Ukraine demands tougher sanctions from the West, and will have observers from the OECD in a new attempt to take themselves through the Kerch strait.

the Putin-calendar to tear off the shelves

Vladimir Putin also warned that the rustningsbegrensingsavtaler be downsized, and that the danger of a nuclear war, therefore, increases.

– If, God forbid, something like this (nuclear war) was going to happen, so would all civilization, even the entire planet, disappear, ” said Putin. In October threatened the Us president Donald Trump with three out of the INF treaty, which limits the development of short – and mellomdistanseraketter, because the united STATES believes that Russia does not respect the agreement. And in 2021 to the START agreement, and whether the limitation of langdistanseraketter, according to the plan, be extended. Both agreements are cornerstones of disarmament efforts from the 1980’s and 90’s, and under pressure. But Putin failed to mention how Russia even challenge rustningsbegrensingsregimene.

It all was recognizable. A deep seriousness. For the earth’s future, and for the russians who are struggling in a difficult life. A powerful kick to the Ukraine, even though Putin refused to mention the most dangerous conflict with a neighbouring country, kirkesplittelsen. And an almost paternal tone with it that goes back home as a credible care, where the seriousness, humor and warmth – yes, warmth – are the main ingredients.

P. S. This text is a bit like writing a teateranmeldelse. With that as a starting point shall we dice six. Most of all for the framføringen and the controlled run the show.