“Matteuccio beautiful, but touches that you answer the phone if we want to do this stuff”. It begins not in the best of ways – at least from the point of view of communications – the operation of Matteo Renzi and allies to submit to the regional elections of next spring an alternative candidate to Michele Emiliano . That is, a candidate for president to put the most possible obstacles between the governor, outgoing, fresh from victory in the primaries (against Fabiano Amati, Elena Gentile and Leo Palmisano ), and his possible re-election to the leadership of the Region.

The author of that “Matteuccio beautiful” is Carlo Calenda , leader of the Action party was born after its exit from the Pd. The Matteuccio in question is Matteo Renzi, leader of Italy is Alive (party founded after the farewell to dem) who in an interview on La7, has announced the operation of puglia: “On Tap, Ilva, health, xylella and popular of Bari, Emiliano has ideas opposite to our own. To support his ideas, is to deny what we are. That’s why Italy Viva supports a candidate different: Emiliano and Dense are the past. Puglia deserves a future”.