Thursday morning is expected the temperature in Chicago reached minus 32 degrees, a peak for the USA’s third largest city. When the wind blows hard from the Lake Michigan, it corresponds to the cold effect of at least 46 degrees.
” We were just a couple of degrees from the record of the day, and it can be turned during the night, said the meteorologist Ben Deubelbeiss to the New York Times on Wednesday.
throughout the and around the windy city with ten million inhabitants, is closed because of the cold. Långdistanstågen Amtrak stands still, the 1,500 flights have been cancelled. Welfare offices, museums and zoos are closed. L-train, Chicago’s metro, which mostly runs a few metres above ground, running on reduced traffic.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has gone out in the tv and urged people to stay indoors if possible. He has issued a kind of a state of emergency and forcing private property owners to repair heating systems in residential buildings.
CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen call Chicago ”extremkylans the epicenter”. But in Minneapolis, Minnesota it was minus 33 already on Wednesday, and in Fargo, North Dakota, minus 36.
the Harsh winds of Lake Michigan makes the cold in the big city of Chicago extra dangerous. Photo: Nam Y. Huh
– a belt from Ohio in the east to Nebraska in the middle of the continent – the us post office decided to set the distribution of the account to brevbärarnas health.
According to CNN, is expected 212 million americans, or 72 percent of the U.S. population, experience temperatures below the freezing point this week – which in itself is probably a record. At the same time plagued 83 million inhabitants of temperatures during 17,78 degrees below zero (which is zero in the Fahrenheitskalan used in the united states).
Although New York city is hit by rekordkylan, with an expected temperature of minus 16 degrees Thursday morning.
In Wisconsin and Minnesota, states with large breweries, asked many suppliers in their runs for fear that the beer would freeze. A few heated ölbilar was, however, in traffic, reports CNN.
Read more: death toll rises in kölddrabbade states
Read more: Vädertjänsterna has warned of the lethal cooling capacity