
The Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) was shocked by pro-Palestinian slogans, red paint, and broken windows at one of their buildings on Muurstraat in the city. The Heymansgebouw, another RUG property, was also vandalized with pro-Palestinian messages like ‘People are dying’, ‘Free Palestine’, and ‘RUG cut ties’. The Heymansgebouw was also splattered with red paint. The police received a report of vandalism and damage to the Muurstraat building around 3:00 am on Sunday. They are investigating both incidents. The RUG stated that offices and workspaces were affected by the broken windows. A spokesperson expressed the university’s shock at the incidents, condemning them as vandalism and confirming that they had filed a report. The broken windows have been temporarily fixed, with plans for new ones to be installed soon. The graffiti on the Heymansgebouw will also be removed. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been ongoing at the RUG, including a tent camp on the university grounds. Activists are calling for the RUG to sever ties with Israeli institutions, but the university announced over the weekend that they would not comply with this demand. Along with fourteen other universities, the RUG sent an open letter to Trouw newspaper, stating their refusal to isolate critical Israeli academics and their commitment to supporting Palestinian colleagues.