Media searches, according to Russia, should have tried to take on the AfD-politician influence. A planned project is supposed to be the “support” of the Bundestag candidacy of the AfD-politician Markus glad Maier. the

Russia clearly wanted to take targeted influence on politicians in the AfD. The reports in the mirror, ZDF, BBC and La Repubblica in accordance with common research. The mirroraccording to a report, a strategy paper should be destabilized through the activities of the EU States and the Russian positions spread.

The research is based on Material that has submitted the Dossier centre in London. The Think Tank is funded by the Russian businessman and Kremlin critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

A planned project is supposed to be the “support” of the Bundestag candidacy of the AfD-politician Markus glad Maier. So it was in an E-Mail from 3. April 2017. Glad Maier sympathy showed, even then, for the policy of Vladimir Putin.

A “under the absolute control of the standing member of Parliament”

summarized Some of the evidence for this Position has a Reporter in the SZ-magazine in a portrait. He had accompanied the politician for a long time and its meteoric described ascent. From may 2015 to February 2018 Markus happy Maier was head of the AfD’s youth organisation. Prior to his entry into the Bundestag in 2017, he was press spokesman of the current AfD group Chairman Alice ryegrass. Glad Maier has Connections to the so-called Eurasian movement. One of his employees to be the mastermind of an arson Fire in the Ukraine. Glad maiers turning to Russia, he visited at the invitation of the Russian government on the occupied Crimea traveled and the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk in the Ukraine.

glad to have been Maier’s prospects for success of the mirror , according to the Russians as “highly” regarded. He’ll be a “under the absolute control of the standing Deputy in the Bundestag”, hot in the E-Mail.

glad Maier informed the mirror through his lawyer, he could start with the document “nothing” and did not know who was the author. He had never requested “support, financial or media Art in circles of the Russian politics, the economy, or civil”. From the Russian side,