Russia claims that Ukraine’s president Petro Porosjenko placed around 19.000 soldiers and a greater amount of military equipment on the Russian border in the Donbasregionen, and that Porosjenko panerar a provokationshandling.

the answer is funny. Our country is our borders, ” says the minister in an interview with the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, according to the Interfax news agency.

Stridsflygplanen, which is of the type Sukhoi SU-27 and SU-30, will be placed on the Belbeks airbase outside Sevastopol, on the Krimhalvöns southern tip. The deployment is permanent, according to the World, writes the news agency Reuters.

Russia annexed the Ukrainian Crimea in 2014. The relations between the countries deteriorated further at the end of november of this year, when Russia fired on, stopped, and seized three Ukrainian ships that were coming in through the kerch strait against the Ukrainian ports on the Azov sea.

the EU has condemned Russia’s actions and has extended its economic sanctions against a number of state-controlled Russian banks, energy companies and defence industries.