It was sentence to ten million tonnes of waste from Moscow would be dumped here – in a forest of 1,200 kilometers northeast of Moscow. At the end of last summer kalhöggs suddenly the area and then blocked it off.

A bunch of hunters from a small village in the Arkhangelskdistriktet in the north-west of Russia, discovered what was about to happen. The area kalhöggs next to the train station Sjies constituted, inter alia, the villagers ‘ best svampställe. Here would Moskvabornas waste is dumped, a part of the Russian government’s waste policy. It goes out that instead to treat and sort waste on-site in the vicinity of the big cities are carrying out in the regions.

Several cities have protested against being forced to receive Moskvabornas garbage. The inhabitants are organising themselves via social media, demonstrating and blocking the roads in, for example, Volokolamsk and Kolomna. The protests now go under the name of sopkriget.

by the path to the kalhygget and mobilized first, the whole area around the city of Arkhangelsk, then the rest of Russia. Thousands of activists have traveled to the remote village to show solidarity with the villagers. In Archangel marched 7,000 people, the President of 9,000 and in Kotlas 2,000 people to end up in landfill.

Now write the independent business daily Vedomosti that the construction work be stopped from the 15th of June. Thereafter, the authorities shall hold open meetings with citizens. Whether the project is cancelled altogether is not clear. There is much to suggest that the authorities in this way, mainly trying to reassure the lawsuits.

According to the Vedomostis data has been Moscow city and Archangelskdistriktet only agreed to this investment is made. However, it has not issued any permits for that construction to begin. Construction has, inter alia, drilling wells without permission and are now being forced to pay the 800,000 rubles (approximately 102.000 sek) in fines.

the city to the technical details, including environmental aspects, should be re-examined. In addition, both Russian and foreign experts participate in the public meetings with the local residents.

The Russian authorities for water resources has already announced that the site is not suitable for waste disposal. This is because a large part of the region, receive their groundwater from the same area in which end up in landfill is planned.