the Investigation, which has taken 22 months to compile is just over 400 pages, and signed by special prosecutor Robert Mueller.

generally politicians and the media that the investigation should be made public has been going on for several weeks, then it was clear that it was completed.

the minister of Justice, William Barr has in the past been frugal with the details from the report. Among other things, we have been told that it could not conclude that Trump has conspired or coordinated any påverkanskampanj from Russia on the u.s. presidential election in 2016. But at the same time acquits not the investigation of president Trump from abuse in a court of law.

Barr has previously said that he will present the investigation in its entirety on the ”weeks not months”.

the minister of justice more concrete than that and told the senate that he intends to present the investigation ”in the middle of april”. ”All will soon be able to read it on their own”, it was from Barr also added that he is ready to testify before the legal committee on the Muellerutredningen the first and second of may.

William Barr has previously said that the report will be presented in its entirety, and only omit the declassified documents relating to ongoing investigations to do.

It is in the attorney general’s summary of mueller’s report