At a press conference on Friday presented the social Democrats ‘ top names to the EU-election – Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson and Jytte Guteland – the party’s overall platform for the upcoming election.

A recurring theme was described as a threat from forces to the right of the traditional right.

“There are moves from government representatives in Europe who have right-wing forces that govern, most recently in Poland, where lgbt people’s rights utmålades as a danger for the Polish people,” says Heléne Fritzon and continues:

” For us it is obvious that every human being should be able to love the one you want and live a life of freedom. It shall not be possible to you that in the day questioning the EU’s fundamental principles.

to increase gender equality in Europe by putting more women in work and at the same time stand up for workers ‘ rights vis-à-vis the companies.

in Addition, presented three proposals to strengthen the freedom of the press and freedom of expression and to provide increased protection against spreading of rumours.

The first of them is that S wants to contribute to developing an EU-directive which should protect independent critics and journalists against expensive litigation, which is often put in the time in order to silence free speech.

” We have seen that when journalists cooperate in international networks, for example, with Panamadokumenten, they often pay a very high price to report on the grievances among the companies and the authorities, says Fritzon.

available for the projects and organizations that defend the media and freedom of the press, shall be strengthened, and that a european strategy for an innovative and sustainable media sector develop.

Many Swedish and european annonsintag have lost significant advertising revenue. We have the EUROPEAN union’s new copyright directive that can break this trend and we see that it is important for an independent and comprehensive journalism, says Fritzon.

Also the labour market is an important issue for the social democrats.

– During the next five years we will continue to work with to tighten up the european work environment. We must strengthen trade union rights in the EU’s internal market, and the Swedish collective agreements should of course be able to apply in Sweden, ” says Johan Danielsson.

to be Sweden’s best klimatparti, according to Jytte Guteland.

” Our vision is of a socially, climatically and economically sustainable Europe. We want to show the Swedish people that we give priority to climate policy, “she says, and continues:

” We sometimes hear from the right that someone else should do the job. It is not good enough. Klimatomställningen shall take place in Sweden, Europe and the world, but we have everything to win to be first.

Few swedes know that there are EU elections in may

the Facts of the matter: How the great power the EU has in Sweden?

So diligent are the swedes in the EU;