the town to find out the Sea-Lapland’s string quartet in funding.

the Quartet activity is planned to continue the city’s orchestra, in turn, has been threatened with closure.

the city orchestra of maintaining a Chemical has asked the ministry of education and culture information about whether the quartet still in the state contribution if the city orchestra of operational savings reasons cease to exist. The ministry, in turn, wants the city from the statement of the quartet on the activities and composition of the.

the ministry has so far granted money as well as the city’s orchestra and string quartet, whose members are also full-time musicians in the city orchestra.

the State money has been granted to a total of ten person-years or about 188 000. The city orchestra of the total costs have been 340 000.

If the Kemi city orchestra closes and the string quartet will continue, it means that the state’s share of money decreased by four person-years.

the culture department director Kari Silvennoinen say that the string quartet financial need is based on six man-years, i.e. four musicians, one curator and one administrative employee’s work effort. Silvennoisen according to this configuration meets the state’s share of the conditions.

the Sea-Lapland’s string quartet annual expenditure are Silvennoisen according to 229 000. Income is about 99 000 euros, which are included municipal contributions, ticket revenue, and the order of appearances of the income received. Nettokulu, i.e. 130 000 eur state funding would cover more than 100 000.

the area of the municipalities of Kemi, Tornio, Simo and Finland funded by the string quartet action.

the ministry positions state contributions are expected in the near future.

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