On 6 december, U.S. customs and gränsmyndighet, CBP, 163 refugees in custody of the south as the town of Lordsburg in the state of New Mexico. Among them was the seven-year-old girl from Guatemala and her dad.

After more than eight hours in detention, got the girl experienced seizures, according to a document from the CBP as the Washington Post has taken part of. When health professionals came to the place and had the girl over a 40 degree fever and, according to the CBP, she had not eaten or drunk water for several days.

helicopter to a nearby hospital, where she had cardiac arrest but was revived.

”the Child did not recover and died in hospital less than 24 hours after the shipment,” writes the CBP.

Customs and border protection agency will now investigate the events before the girl’s death to security that they acted right.

the Refugees taken into custody at the border have traditionally access to both water and food. But in the moment, it is unclear whether the girl had food and water, or if she underwent a medical examination prior to krampanfallen.

– the border guard did everything that was possible to save the girl’s life under very stressful circumstances, ” says Andrew Meehan, a spokesperson for CBP, to the Washington Post.

”the absence of accountability, and a culture of cruelty within CBP” is the reason why the girl died.

– the Fact that it took a week for this to see the light of day shows the need for transparency within the CBP. We demand a rigorous investigation of how this tragedy could occur, and serious reforms to prevent future deaths, ” says Cynthia Pomp on the ALCU to the Washington Post.

against Mexico has escalated since almost the 7,500 refugees from Central america have arrived in recent weeks. Trumpadministrationen have sent 5.800 soldiers to the united states’s southern border to strengthen surveillance and the president has threatened to close down the border completely.

the White house has wanted to stop the opportunity to seek asylum for those who enter the country illegally, but the restriction has been temporarily stopped by a federal court.

at the same time have the republicans and the democrats for the open curtain negotiated Trumps wall against Mexico. The large crucial issue is how the wall is to be financed, the democratic figure of $ 1.3 billion is a far cry from the 5 billion that Trump calls.

Read more: Trump threatens to shut down the government unless the wall be financed

Read more: the conservation area is sacrificed for the sake of Trumps wall

Read more: the ‘ 80s refugee children separated from their parents since June

Read more: Mexico calls for investigation of american tear gas