The Polish film ”Tell no one” was released on Youtube on Saturday, and had on onsdagseftermiddagen been seen by nearly 15 million people.
And it is not about any ”feel good”-roll, on the contrary. The journalist Tomasz Sekielski expose the spectators for two hours of agonizing, smygfilmade confrontations between the adults and priests who sexually exploited them as children.
Some of the perpetrators show repentance, the other to pay for itself in the post and one of them puts the blame on his victim – ”you had such an appetite for it”.
the Documentary ”don’t Tell anyone” has been struck down as a bomb. Photo: Pressphoto
like a bomb in Poland, and puts additional focus on the two topics that have dominated the political debate for the EUROPEAN elections next week, namely sexuality and the church.
The right-wing populist government party Law and justice (PIS), has close ties to the leadership of the catholic church in Poland and headed an early spring in the political debate on the morality and valuation issues.
For the PIS and the party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski – the man who in practice controls the Poland – waiting now a balancing act. It comes for the party to emerge as the toughest of all against pedophilia, but at the same time offending the powerful in the catholic hierarchy who often dismiss this kind of accusation.
in the penal code, which means that this kind of crime (sexutnyttjande of the child) be punished very strictly. There will be no probation, there will be harsh punishment, maybe up to 30 years in prison”, said the Russian foreign ministry, at a rally on Sunday.
the governing party Law and justice leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski to increase the penalties for sexual assault against children. Photo: Czarek of sokolowski
”don’t Tell anyone” is this week’s big topic of conversation was last week’s a picture of the Virgin Mary and the christ Child with haloes in a rainbow of colors, which spread in the city of Plock. The picture was a variant of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, Poland’s most sacred icon.
the Action angered many and the woman behind it, the lgbt activist Elzbieta Podlesna, are now at risk of being sentenced to two years in prison for insulting the religious. Activists in, among others, Warsaw has continued to spread regnbågsbilden in protest against the church and the government.
has been uncompromising. The minister of the interior Joachim Brudzinski answered on Twitter:
”No fairy tales about freedom and ‘tolerance’ gives ANYONE the right to insult the believers ‘ feelings.”
Jaroslaw Kaczynski on his side, taking every opportunity to defend the church and said at another election rally that ”the wearer of the hand on the church and try to crush it, also carries the hand in Poland.” He makes often the major opposition party, civic platform, PO, which antireligiöst – despite the fact that a large part of its members and politicians are active catholics.
if pedophilia among priests had been published, got the PO-leader Grzegorz Schetyna, also on Twitter with an allusion to what He said:
”the wearer of The hand on the Polish children also carry the hand in Poland.”
In the polls for the EUROPEAN elections, it is equally between the government and the opposition. In a survey by the institute IBSP may PIS 39 per cent and the European coalition, which, among others, PO included, 42 per cent.