The UN social Council accuses Germany of shortcomings in the implementation of social human rights. We are concerned about the situation of older people, “the degrading conditions of life, in particular nursing homes”, – stated in the concluding observations to the sixth periodic report of the panel, the daily mirror. In addition, too little is being done to combat child poverty, the reason the fuse was too low, and the minimum wages would need to be better enforced.

the greens and the Left called the report “shameful” for Germany. The Ruling is now reports in five years ‘ time about how you dealt with the recommendations of the UN panel. In three sensitive areas, the accountability should be done in as little as two years: in the care, social housing and the issue of child poverty.

Too many bureaucratic hurdles for the needy

is Criticized, among other things, that 14 million people in Germany are precariously employed, that 1.2 million people would not have to top up their wages with social benefits, that the benefits for Hartz IV to be sufficient. As in the 2011 report, the government is admonished, “without delay,” more money for the training of nurses to provide and control the nursing homes of “frequent and thorough”.

Concerned the experts about the child poverty in Germany. The States report shows that 2.55 million children living in Germany in poverty, the majority of them in only one of the parents. The social Council criticised the lack of information and bureaucratic hurdles for concerned parents preventing, you take the benefits they are entitled to.

However, the experts doubt that the benefits from the child benefit on the child allowance to participation-package – enough to cover the basic needs.

children’s charity calls for better family support

The German children’s charity called on the Bundestag and the Federal government to take the warning seriously and to create the conditions for a good upbringing of poor children in Germany. The criticism of the high child poverty in Germany should not be allowed to fizzle out “ineffective”, said managing Director Holger Hofmann.

children need to be financially protected so that they could, regardless of the income of their parents to grow up well. Here, the children’s charity calls for “a fundamental solution in the Form of a need for child-friendly basic security, the guaranteed minimum subsistence level of children regardless of the financial resources of the family, the family form and the previous support system.” The previous System of family support don’t stay “for too many people opaque”, which is why they requested you are entitled to benefits.

A similar Problem, the report looks for basic security. The authors fear that it is too low to allow recipients to “an adequate standard of living”. In addition, they show concern about the power cuts in the case of breaches of duty of Hartz IV recipients and the Definition of “reasonable” employment, the job-seekers in Germany accept not need to to lose your claim.

Green: child poverty is allowed to have in a time of growing economic and bubbling in tax revenue no place

The UN social Council put “the Finger in the wound,” said Green group leader Kathrin Göring-Eckardt, the daily mirror. It was “shameful that the Federal government still does too little, however, is that in a wealthy country, countless elderly people are housed in degrading conditions”. Only on Wednesday, you have missed “with the bureaucratic minimal consensus of the professionals act, again a Chance,” said the Green politician. “We could open up thousands Tolerated a lane change into the caring professions, instead, the Federal government has tightened the requirements for well-integrated, Tolerated.”

the UN social Council of the basic social security in Germany is not sufficiently valued, was “embarrassing for Andrea Nahles of the SPD, who wanted to make a new concept to a litmus test for the continuation of existing fluctuating coalition,” said Göring-Eckardt. And the children for screwing up poverty opportunities and possibilities in the future. “We are experiencing a time of growing economic and bubbling, tax revenue, children, poverty should have no place. That is why we need more investment in families, in education, in schools and kindergartens.

Left is called the new sanctions “absolutely shameful”

It was “absolutely shameful, that the UN social Council, Germany must again be accused of serious shortcomings in the implementation of social human rights,” said the Parliamentary Secretary of the Left faction in the Bundestag Jan Korte. Already seven years ago, the UN have criticized the sub-Committee, among other things, the “inadequate efforts” in Germany, to improve the Situation of older people in care homes. “Little to nothing. As before, the number of elderly people do not have to live under degrading conditions, according to the basic security for hundreds of thousands of enough.”

The Federal government should “take the report seriously and take concrete action,” said Korte to the daily mirror. It was “not at all acceptable that 2.55 million children in this country live in poverty, and the Federal government was ducking”. A minimum wage of twelve Euro and its rigorous enforcement would be an important first step.

government is taking the recommendations “very seriously”

The observations of the Committee found no specific violations of human rights, stressed a spokesperson for the Ministry of social Affairs. They contained, rather, “recommendations for the implementation of the UN social Covenant rights”. The implementation of this social Pact was a long-term task and the government will take the panel’s recommendations “very seriously”.

Correct, the UN social Council “the Committee on economic, social and cultural rights of the United Nations”. It is a UN body of 18 experts that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights (UN social Covenant).

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report of the joint General Association, Every Sixth in Germany is living in poverty

Rainer Woratschka

just a few days ago by the joint welfare Association of the Federal government had called for a more effective fight against poverty in Germany. “Essential and urgent” are, among other things, a Reform of the basic retirement with adequate rule-sets, the increase in the minimum wage on 12,63 Euro and the conversion of the child allowance and Supplement to a “real livelihood children’s basic security,” says managing Director Ulrich Schneider. With 13.7 million people in this country, one in every six is affected by poverty. A new sad record was achieved “for the Association”.