it Should be forbidden to play songs like Gasolin’-the classic ‘Rabalderstræde’ in front of small children, who have not filled a year?

Yes, believe morpolitiet that in time and the leavers would like to send a warning message in the direction of the ‘X Factor’-the landlady Sofie Linde.

Danish celebrity – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 14:48 Culture of excuse: Not now damn keep up

It told she, en Ekstra Bladet met her at the press conference ahead of the new season, and the conversation slipped into the so-called ‘mommy-shaming’ (mother-udskamning, ed.), as Sofie Linde often experience on social media.

– Just that it exists, is totally ridiculous. There are some women, who in my eyes is insanely usolidariske, when they come with their big, fat index finger and telling others what they should do. It is to be a parent is an individual thing, and you must assume that people know what they’re doing and do what works best for them, says Sofie Linde.

Film, tv & radio – 20. dec. 2018 – at. 10:35 Culture get bank: Here trynes he of women

however, It is not always the case, and tv host whips out an example.

– The most absurd example was when I put a video up where we belong ‘Rabalderstræde’. I got relatively many messages from the mom who said my child would get a warped relationship with alcohol and drugs in the future. You just think: ‘Hold up’. In other words, she (the daughter Trine, ed.) can’t talk, and we just sat and enjoyed ourselves, says Sofie Linde, who was angry over the messages.

I was most of all just ‘pissed’, and it will be I, because they challenge my role as a mother, and that they have no right to, when we do not know each other. Why can you not just go out from that, I know what I’m doing. I have done it in 10 months, she smiles and is happy, and she weighs a little more than she should. She is a fat, happy baby. The passport of your store, so fit I my.

Sofie Linde doesn’t give much for morpolitiet and instead calls for the mothers to show solidarity. Photo: Mogens Flindt

most of the messages on social media he has with Sofie Linde. But she acknowledges that it hits her, when people go in and accuse her of being a bad mother. She then becomes angry, hurt and defiant.

– There you can hit me, for every day I do me best to be a good mother. I have not a child who throws out her arms and say thank you, because you changed me, gave me food or dry clothes. It is not some small children that says, so I tell myself several times a day. It is clear that you doubt yourself once in a while, when she is crying or has a fever. You are groping in the dark and do it so well, you can, says Sofie Linde.

Danish well-known – 17. dec. 2018 – at. 14:57 Remee shows the private life: Why does he do it

calls Therefore on she its with-mom to show solidarity instead of being judgmental.

– All coming from every its point. You can think its when a child is crying in a pram, but we do not know whether the child has a 40 in the fever, or colic. We do not know whether the mother has a need for the four minutes where the child is and cries out, before she has the energy to pick it up. We must back each other up and not point fingers, then it becomes damn hard, and then ends it with, that we do not dare to talk about how hard it can be to be a parent.

Host Sofie Linde and 2019-edition dommertrio: Lars famous and best-selling, Oh Land and Thomas Culture. Photo: Mogens Flindt

Sofie Linde and Joakim Ingversen became parents for the first time back in the month of February. In august began filming for the new season of ’the X Factor’ – the fourth of its kind with Sofie Linde as the host of the program, and here, she could feel that something had changed.

– When one becomes a mother, becomes a different man. I think the my child are the most beautiful in the whole world. Just that she works and eats and shits, this is something I want to tell to all. When I in the past have been in the auditionrummet I could well imagine the feelings the parents have had. But now I know, how proud I would be if it were my child. Imperturbable if they can sing or not, it is great that they are at all dry.