Donald Trump’s decision last Tuesday, published on Wednesday, to withdraw the whole of the american special forces team on the 2,000 from Syria criticized not only by the allies in the Middle east and of politicians in different camps, among other prominent republicans. The decision was made, in addition, contrary to what his top adviser considers, writes the Washington Post.

the campaign said it would send home US-the strength from Syria. He repeated it in april of this year: ”I want to bring home our soldiers”.

But in september had military advisors by all accounts managed to get him to change course. He announced then that the strength, in particular, have the task to train the kurdish fighters, would remain until further notice – at least until terrorrörelsen IS finally defeated, a more stable solution for Syria was in place and all Iranstödda militias left the country.

Now, the setting has hastily turned back to the trumpska vallöftet.

in a rather small meeting of Tuesday, according to informed people that the Washington Post talked with. Only a few senior White house adviser and defence secretary, Jim Mattis and foreign minister Mike Pompeo was present. The majority of them, if not all except Trump, objected in the strongest possible terms against a quick retreat from Syria, ” says the magazine’s sources.

on Friday spoke to Donald Trump, with its Turkish Natokollega Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan must have inculcated their view of syrian kurds, U.S. allies, are terrorists and also questioned that the americans need to be left behind when the ICE shattered.

Among those now trying to understand how the american president is reasoning out the call as an explanation for the fact that he clearly ran over his primary security advisor.

Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP

According to the Washington Post sagespersoner has Trump, however, basically been ”100 percent consistent” in the question. He should really never have changed his mind in september, but only allowed himself to be persuaded to announce a continued military commitment.

the politicians were taken by surprise by reträttbeslutet. They believe that it endangers the safety of the kurds in northeast Syria that the united states itself and that the field is now left open for the Syrian dictator al-Assad and Iran. In Israel struck the decision down like a bomb.

Nathan Shachar: Disappointment and concern in Israel after Trumps Syrienbesked

Trumps external motivation is that the ICE now is defeated and the fight against terrorsekten reason at all to keep a military force in Syria

the high-level officials, such as the White house special envoy to Syria, said that it can take months to knock out the last ICE-pockets, and that thousands of islamic militants have gone underground, ready to be reactivated.

as late as last Tuesday, said the military spokesperson, colonel Sean Ryan, ”the u.s. forces made significant progress in the fight against IS), but the job is not done”.

Read more: the united states withdraws all troops from Syria