the plans of The SPD chair Andrea Nahles Nahles for a Reform of the Hartz IV regulations of Berlin Regierendem mayor Michael Müller do not go far enough. It is right to consider the employment histories of unemployed increased, and the unemployment money I longer to pay off, said the Berlin SPD Chairman of the daily mirror. This also applies to the abolition of senseless and degrading sanctions. “I am glad that my demands are implemented,” said Müller.
He, however, persist in his claim, a citizens ‘ basic income. “If you want to overcome Hartz IV as an unfair perceived System, then you need fundamental new approaches. One of these is to make all the unemployed to Transition to ALG II is a quick supply of labour and their Dignity through work.“ Therefore, the solidary basic income should be “an important building block in the new SPD-concept”, explained Müller.
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citizens money instead of Hartz IV, Andrea Nahles wants to up to 33 months unemployment benefit I
numbers of Hard criticism of the concept of Nahles came from Parts of the left SPD wing of the Federal. Although each of the correction on the current System to be welcomed “any improvement in the life situation of Hartz IV recipients,” said the SPD member of Parliament Hilde Mattheis. “The announcement of Nahles suggests but so far no new view on the welfare state.” Necessary, the waiver of all sanctions against Hartz IV recipients, as well as an increase in the Hartz-IV-sets.
When coalition partner, the Union and the left party clashed with the approaches of Nahles rejection. It was “outrageous” that Nahles to the low-Hartz-IV-sets, as well as sanctions against Hartz IV recipients hold said Left-Boss Katja Kipping. “It shows that the SPD Chairman really has the courage to say “goodbye” to the Agenda 2010.” Only a real departure from the Hartz System could help the SPD of the Deep, added Kipping.
CSU General Secretary Markus flower warned, Nahles program to make Germany a case for restructuring. “The successes in the labour market, which has reached Hartz IV must not be jeopardised.” The CDU member of Parliament Philip Amthor threatened the SPD, you’ll have it in the government difficult, if you present every day, new projects that were not agreed in the coalition agreement.