China’s President Xi Jinping wants to force “reunification” with democratic Taiwan, if necessary also with violence. China must and will be re-United, said Xi on Wednesday according to the official Xinhua news Agency in a speech in the Great hall of the people in Beijing. An independent Taiwan would be inconsistent with the Trend of history and will lead into a cul-de-SAC.

China wants to achieve a peaceful reunification, but “no room for separatist activities,” said Xi. “We give no promise to renounce the use of force, and reserve the right to take all necessary means,” he added.

the dispute over the autonomy of Taiwan began in 1949

The dispute over the Status of Taiwan goes back to the civil war in China, as the troops of the Chinese Kuomintang, after its defeat by Mao’s Communists, to Taiwan fled. Since the founding of the people’s Republic in 1949, Beijing considers the island Republic, which keeps itself democratic elections as a breakaway country, and threatening a reconquest.

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Beijing order operation recently strengthened the international isolation of Taiwan. Of two dozen mostly smaller States, which had recognised Taiwan diplomatically, could Beijing, five more on his side.

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founder of Human Rights Watch “40 years Ago, the situation was even more desperate”

Judith Langowski

In her new year’s address on Tuesday, Taiwan’s President, Tsai Ing-said-to-Whom, that their country was not ready, “our sovereignty or to make concessions in terms of autonomy”. (dpa)