On Thursday evening, it became clear that Kristelig Folkeparti, KrF, becomes a part of Erna Solbergs right-wing government. The negotiations have been hard, not least about the limitations in the aborträtten, which is KrF’s core issues.

KrF had wanted to go longer, but the result was a compromise, the parties then agreed to remove the possibility of so-called tvillingabort. It means that a woman who is pregnant with twins are not allowed to abort one of the fetuses.

which was broadcast by NRK on Thursday night criticized the opposition leader Jonas Gahr Støre agreement. He said that it will lead to more abortions when women who for various reasons are not able to carry the twins are forced to remove both.

It was then that Kjell Inge Ropstad countered: Women who manage to wear a child should cope with the two. The massive criticism, wouldn’t wait and on Friday, he asked for excuse.

” I should have chosen other words to get my point. What I meant was that society must remove the barriers so that the woman who wants to opt out of a child, the conditions to give birth to both, ” says Kjell Inge Ropstad to Aftenposten.

Marte Mjøs Persen says to NRK that the KrF-politician does not have a clue about the medical risks of complicated pregnancies. It is the woman who must make the decision.

– The first thing I thought was: Ok, so if I manage to wear three, so I can handle four, ” says Marte Mjøs Persen, who is a politician in the labor party.

Many who have criticised Ropstads statement in the social media did it with the same wording.

”Can you carry a bottle of taxfreesprit, you can carry four,” writes Dagbladet’s political commentator Marie Simonsen on his twitter account.


in the Oslo city court, wrote: ”Krf-politician is on the way home from lördagshandlingen along with his wife and says: Maybe you can help me to bear a little bit, are you able to carry a bag do you well to carry two”.

When it became clear that the KrF becomes a part of the government means that the party leader Knut Arild Hareide resigns. Kjell Inge Ropstad be seen as the obvious successor.

Erna Solbergs government now consists of stavanger, oslo, the progress party, Venstre and Kristelig Folkeparti.