Andalusia has lost this Sunday his condition of community fetish of the PSOE. The socialists, led by Susana Díaz, has suffered a collapse unprecedented in its main granary of votes, where for the first time the right-wing parties joined deputies of the left. The PSOE has lost its hegemony, after 36 years of governments in a row and has obtained its worst result in the region in the first elections since the motion of censure that led to Pedro Sánchez Moncloa. The first test at the polls to the socialist project since the fall of Mariano Rajoy has been very far from meeting the expectations of the party of the Executive, the only one that has governed Andalusia since the restoration of democracy, and has a national component that affects the Executive socialist.

The climb up to 120,000 votes, and in the percentage of participation that they felt government sources and socialists at the start of the campaign not only has not occurred, but that the PSOE has garnered a rout unprecedented in the undécimas elections in andalusia. The foreseeable loss of a seat in Cádiz, Huelva and Córdoba on the remains in 2015 is favoured by the socialists has been very short. The effect Moncloa different territorial leaders of the PSOE resulted in a positive impact of two to three points in the regional elections has not existed. As a summary, of the 33 seats that has been reduced to the candidacy of Susana Díaz, 14 less than in 2015, represent the end of an era: are the half of the deputies of the PSOE won the elections in andalusia in 1982. No go back so far, the PSOE has left about 400,000 votes with respect to the autonomic 2015, 14 seats (I had 47) and more than seven percentage points (35,41% has gone to the 27,96%).

The confidence that Andalusia would serve as a stimulus for the electoral events of 2019 has been met with a result that, despite the alarm signals and warnings of some apathy in the socialist ranks made by mayors and secretaries of groups over the last week, no one in the party saw it coming and couldn’t believe. Or Ferraz, nor The Moncloa, or the andalusian federation, the most powerful of the socialist party by number of members and power, organic, barruntaban the blow to the training that many voters critics identified with the party of the establishment, after 36 years of consecutive terms. “There has been a low participation in our electorate. The PSOE has experienced a setback that leads us to a reflection about the reasons that have led that part of our electorate traditional has not validated the confidence in us,” he nodded, José Luis Abalos, secretary of Organization of the socialist and minister of public works. Sources of the address say even that the campaign “has not been intense” but rather “pending”.


The left lost the majority in Andalusia Rivera: “we’re Going to take the PSOE Board’s” Teresa Rodriguez: “we’re Going to deal with the extreme right”

The collapse of elections, the positions of the PSOE respondents attributed at first to the Tipobet andalusian federation, called for full autonomy and freedom of action to organize a campaign in key andalusian, it also means a blow to the pretensions of Pedro Sanchez. The vote of punishment transcended Andalusia, according to the territorial leaders consulted, and also criminalizes the Executive.

the presence of The president of the Government and secretary general of the PSOE in the campaign –which, according to the spokesman of the committee of electoral action, Esther Peña, it would be “intense”- has been limited to an act in Chiclana (Cadiz) and another in Marbella (Malaga). Sanchez has come this Sunday to the headquarters of the PSOE in calle Ferraz past 19.30. What has done the little bit of return of the G-20 summit in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and on the eve of attending this Monday at the Climate Summit in Katowice (Poland). Alongside the president were his chief of staff, Ivan Round; the vice-president of the Government, Carmen Calvo; Ábalos; Adriana Lastra, vice secretary general and spokesman of the PSOE in the Congress; Maria Jesus Montero, minister of Finance; Ander Gil, a spokesman in the Senate; Francisco Salazar, secretary of electoral action; Omar Anguita, general secretary of the Socialist Youth, and Ibán García, head of Culture and Sport in the executive of the party.

The PSOE justifies the low activity of Sanchez in the campaign because of her busy international agenda, which led him to cross the Atlantic in three occasions to comply with the commitments of the Ibero-american Summit in Antigua (Guatemala), the G-20 and the official trip to Cuba. The last week of the campaign has increased the presence in the Government: several of its members, as Calvo, Ábalos and Montero, have participated in campaign events.

Before they knew the first data, members of the leadership of the PSOE have been put away with the results. Ander Gil stressed that this was “a test to Andalusia, in key very territorial.” The corrective received was interpreted, however, as more than a notice to the party in the Government. The result of Vox, Ábalos considered to be a “bad news for the democratic system” entry in the andalusian Parliament. “The right has opened the doors of the institutions to the extreme right (…) Have celebrated their results as if they had been defeated, it will be surely because it integrated as its own the results of the extreme right. This in another country of Europe would be unthinkable,” he asserted the number tresde the socialists. “In Europe, the democrats face the populism of the far right. Let’s hope that in Spain also we have clear”, stressed the minister. “The combat for which we are responsible to the socialists is to lead the front of the democracy, the battle for democracy, in the face of fear”, he concluded.