Susana Díaz, the socialist candidate for reelection as chairman of the Board of Andalusia, facing the final week before the appointment with the urns exactly as they began: with illusion. The contact with the people of the street of these first 12 days of caravan has transmitted good sensations from the face to the two of December, despite the boycott violent, starring a hundred or so taxi drivers that forced them to suspend an act in the vicinity of Seville. Throughout this last week long, the leader of the socialist party has sidestepped the national policy and has focused his speech on the alert against a possible blockage that prevents you from forming a government in January. Diaz only has a plan To: govern alone, aware of the fragmentation parliamentary enlighten the polls next Sunday will lead to a legislature to difficult where you will have agreed on almost everything.

Question. The candidate Ahead of Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, has already said that it will guarantee your endowment, but you are still talking of locks do Not trust his word?

Response. I just hope make a most comprehensive and solid for anyone to hang this earth. We have the experience of what were 80 days in the previous legislature, and what happened in Spain, which is even repeated elections. You are assuming as normal that which is abnormal. I hope that no one disregards the will of the andalusians and no one to block the institutions, because in the PSOE of Andalusia never use the vote of the citizens to lock our institutions.

MORE INFORMATION on Andalusia, goes on the attack against Díaz and the PSOE are The possible advance of the general bursts into the campaign andalusian Sánchez and Díaz called for the mobilization to prevent “blocking of the right-wing

Q. What are your red lines in order to reach agreements and to take forward legislation in the next legislature?

A. I aspire to a Government one, in single player to generate more employment, and return, and expand rights to more speed. More plurality needs to be more dialogue. Up to now what we’re seeing from this new political cycle is that more representation is being translated in the lock. Those who said to come to the policy to encourage the settlement, there may be factors of instability, locking. I will look for agreement and consensus is always in the Andalusian Parliament with all political forces in what is good for the earth, as in this legislature. If other parties have not wanted to join in other initiatives is because they were in that political line of locks.

Q. how many seats could you bring to the practice their government broadband?

A. The PSOE of Andalusia is a game of broadband, where all fit and we want a Government broadband that meets the vast majority of andalusians. Even someone who we don’t vote, it recognizes the PSOE as the party of all the andalusians, who defends the interests of this land.

Q. The surveys give a range of between 39 and 47 seats. How many will feel comfortable?

A. I Go out in search of the support of most andalusians is because we got the homework done. We have gone beyond our electoral program of 2015. That is the guarantee that I’m going to the election, seeking the support of most andalusian.

Who is to outlast Vox are Married and Rivera

Q. When you say more andalusians, does that mean more votes than in previous elections?

A. That’s what will decide the andalusians. I ask for your vote so that no one hinder us.

Q. The violent act of the taxi drivers is a reflection of the encanallamiento of political life?

R. If we believe that the climate of tension that we see in the Congress, is not transferred to the society, if the public representatives behave, what message are sending to the society? The violence does not fit in a democracy. I hope that all parties will condemn them because I’m never going to look the other way when it violates an act of any candidate.

P. Forward Andalusia was warm is that a conviction. How this attitude may hinder the dialogue of which I spoke before?

Even someone who we don’t vote, it recognizes the PSOE as the party of all the andalusians

A. Their reasons be for not condemning it. The day after, if I have the confidence majority I speak with around the world.

Q. Do you Fear that the lock will be transferred to the budgets, or the renewal of the bodies of extraction parliamentary?

A. I Think that, if we are all respectful of the institutions and with the free will of the citizens, it has to reach agreements. What has made it possible for Andalusia to have stability in this legislature is the most solid and wide of the PSOE that I aspire to uphold.

Q. Do you Think that the shadow ahead of elections may influence the decisions made by the parties in Andalusia after the two of December?

A. to Talk about the elections in andalusia as of the first round of the general it seems to me a lack of respect to this earth. I hope no one is considering trade-offs and lock Andalusia until there is an election in Spain, that it would be irresponsible to huge.

Q. Can we emphasizes that the PSOE of Sanchez and the PSOE of Diaz they are different. Are there any differences?

Andalusia has had stability thanks to the most solid and wide of the PSOE

A. The PSOE Kalebet is the Spanish socialist party for 139 years and is the only party in this country that has not been renamed. The citizens recognize it as a progressive party, which guarantees equality and freedom and that I feel proud. I also feel proud of the work you are doing Peter, with 84 seats in the Congress and with many parties willing to lock this country. Badly that them in spite of, the PSOE is the Spanish socialist party and will continue to be the PSOE.

Q. Are you prepared for a guilty verdict in the case of the ERE?

A. the one Who has done wrong to you will pay, and who has acted in an honest way, I hope that I will return the honor.

Q. And who want to use that statement against you or your Government with a motion of censorship, as happened with Mariano Rajoy?

A. I took five years in the Government and all this happened about 10 or 15. Rajoy was the president of the PP and was the funding of the stage that I was judging. That is a difference, more than just a hue. Of my time as president have not been able to find a spot, because there is none.

Q. In the inquiry commission of the Senate, you said that one of the things that I wanted to put in place as soon as possible was the anti-Fraud Office, but the decree was drafted in January of this year. Why not be passed in this legislature?

I Hope that no one is considering trade-offs and lock Andalusia until there is an election in Spain

A. Because there were allegations of the Advisory Council and of the Chamber of Accounts that have delayed the approval in the Parliament. It has been one of the commitments that I have been left in the inkpot and that I would have liked to speed up, because it would have been to strengthen the controls in the intervention. We have put more controls than anyone else. It is one of the first measures which I hope will pass in the next legislature.

Q. to Delete the aforamientos, requires reform of the Statute, with the atomization parliamentary nor see it to be viable?

R. This needs to be addressed in a national regulation that will remove all the aforamientos so that there are no imbalances.

Q. How Do you explain the rise of Vox in a region that is predominantly center-left?

A. Who is to outlast Vox are Married and Rivera, they sound good those proposals are xenophobic, selfish, who do not condemn violence towards women. And that radicalization of the right, especially on the PP and Rivera, comes very well to whom, from the extreme right puts into question everything that has been achieved in our democracy.

Q. You have reduced unemployment, but is still well behind the Spanish average. What more is there to do in order to balance the situation?

A. We have reduced the differential with Spain and we are in the same differential that has Spain and Europe. Now we have a battle important is the precarious situation, which for me is going to be one of the flags.

I feel proud of the work you are doing Peter Sanchez

Q. Andalusia has become the second region in exports of Spain, but most of these companies continue to be taxed in Madrid. When the end of the fiscal dumping?

A. A responsible government that wants to unite Spain has to avoid fiscal dumping. That’s what you have to with a system of financing fair and proper. The transfers of portions of regional taxes can not be made without stops that allow a company to check and from occurring in a territory, and instead be taxed in another. The grievances that we have heard from them we pay the health care and education to the andalusians, they would cease to be heard, because Andalusia has a right to calculation of GDP is a function of what is produced, what we have and what we generate.

Q. How you will allocate the more than 25 million of the Spanish Government in compensation for the number of unaccompanied minors in Andalusia?

R. there Will be that to strengthen the whole system. But this is not about paying a few communities so that they are the only ones who have to attend the solidarity of those who arrive to the Spanish coasts. You have to understand that the responsibility has to be shared among all the territories. That the same thing that Spain asks Europe, Andalusia is requested by the rest of Spanish territories, and that there has to be a sharing in the care of these children.

Q. should The Government impose quotas?

A. The Government has room to do it and the natural would be that those who were breast strokes when it came to Aquarius, now are going to behave also so caring and responsible with those who come to our shores, especially for the smugglers, trying to of people that are playing with the lives of human beings in the Mediterranean.

those Who beat chest when it came to Aquarius, now behave also on the basis of solidarity

Q. what’s been asked of Pedro Sánchez?

A. Yes, and the Government is taking steps. You have to have more measures, the same that Spain asks Europe.

Q. You have promised to abolish by law, prostitution and trafficking. Going ahead of his own party that what is being discussed.

R. In the measure of my powers, yes. I was ahead of the rest of the regions in Andalusia, be kept free of advertisements about prostitution. Now we will push for a law for that in the scope of our competences we reach the maximum and what is the responsibility of the Government of Spain, I will claim where necessary.

Q. Can we defend, however, the regulation

A. there is No law in dealing with women, the majority come here, lured and retained. I will defend the abolition in my land and where necessary.

Q. why Do we speak so little of women’s rights and equality in this campaign?

R. By an obvious question. Citizens and PP are parties that do not believe in feminism, and even came to criticize the manifestations of the 8M, until they saw that millions of spaniards took to the streets. When you do not believe in something, they note.

Q. To what Do you attribute that the PP has suffered more wear and tear than the PSOE in these 36 years?

A. When one does not respect this land, allowed to speak evil of it, when you do not have the courage to raise their voice in his defence, that note. When you do not feel part of this Andalusia, it is very difficult to convey to the andalusian a horizon of progress and well-being.

Q. why are still having this perception of the Andalusia in black and white? What has not been known how to communicate well-that Andalusia progress?

A. I think that is not naive or casual. On the 28th of February changed the story that some had predicted for the development in autonomous communities of Spain, two-speed, and there are those who never forgot that. The attacks she receives Andalusia are never free. And in addition, they would not with other territories of Spain.