”Jihad is a compulsory duty,” says the man in the movie that rolls on the tv screens in the Copenhagen city court.
He stands in a dark jacket and a hood and talking about Satan, about the violation of muslims, on the occasion of the martyrdom and enter paradise. The background is a barren höstlandskap, maybe somewhere in Skåne, where the today 31-year-old syriern and suspected ICE-supporter Moyed al-Zoebi lived as asylum seekers in november 2016.
At the time, he according to the Danish specialåklagaren Sonja Hedegaard have planned to perform a terrorist attack in Copenhagen together with a 22-year-old compatriot resident in Germany. Randomly selected people would knivmördas, improvised explosive device would detonate.
with a knife and one or more bombsprängningar. The investigation has been extensive. It has dragged on for some time and is not yet completed, ” says specialåklagaren.
the Trial date has been going on for a few hours and the defendant, Moyed al-Zoebi, is the only person in the kvalmiga the courtroom that has kept people on – a black down jacket. He has a sparsely watercolour and a light hearted smile. Even when the prosecutor makes his oral submissions, he was sitting and chatting with his interpreter, seemingly unmoved by the gravity of the acts he is accused of.
during the refugee crisis in the autumn of 2015, along with his wife and son. The family ended up in a asylboende in southern Sweden, but did not stay there long until the young son died in a traffic accident.
It has been speculated if the event has been a cause of Moyed al-Zoebis radicalisation. Already in march 2017, he was accused in Sweden, suspected of having carried out a brandbombsattentat against a shiite mosque in Malmö, the night of the 11 October 2016.
the Member IS put on the deed. al-Zoebi was acquitted despite the fact that there was some technical evidence.
towards the Malmömoskén, 19 november 2016, arrested another syrian of the Danish and German police officers at the border control in the Danish Rodby. The man does not have a valid inresebevis and has smuggled over 17,000 matches, 17 batteries, and six walkie-talkies. In his mobile, there is a farewell note and instructions for how to manufacture a bomb.
During the investigation, it transpires that he has had contact with al-Zoebi, and it made the suspicion that they jointly have planned to perform a terrorist attack in Copenhagen.
Syriern in Germany, acknowledges the plans, and sentenced in the summer of 2017, six-and-a-half years in prison. He is one of the huvudvittnena during the trial against al-Zoebi, which lasts for seven days during February and march.
for over a year and face life imprisonment if convicted. The prosecutor’s evidence consists inter alia of telephone intercepts, Facebookuppdateringar, filming and train tickets.
But during the first day of the trial, denying Moyed al-Zoebi to all the accusations and claims that everything is a misunderstanding. He says he does not know it today, the 22-year-old syriern in Germany and that he really would to Malmö on that day in november 2016, but got on the wrong train to Copenhagen.
According to the court in Malmö was Moyed al-Zoebi followers to terrorsekten ICE, and the prosecutor Sonja Hedegaard is on the same line. Completely wrong, he says itself.
– It is a group that wants to impose sharia law. They want all women to wear comprehensive apparel. I would not be able to live with, ” he says.
if his relationship to the member as well as the meaning of the expression ”arrange a wedding”, which occurs in several places in the evidence.
According to the prosecutor shall, among other things, he said to his wife, who he separated from after her son’s death, that if she is not returned to him, he would ”arrange a wedding”. According to the prosecutor, the codeword to carry out a suicide attack.
“I swear to God I never have heard that expression,” says Moyed Al-Zoebi.