the farmer’s enemy is not a handful of would predators or people who are concerned about biodiversity, but an agricultural policy that intensifiserer, lay down small use and leaves the farmer so little money that the hen is not able to take care of their sheep. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum have to get order in their ranks and begin to talk politics and not dangerous populism.

Ten thousand ulvemotstandere , mostly men, bussed into Oslo 8. January to mark the resistance against the government’s ulvepolitikk. They believe the government shoots a few wolves. On Saturday 12. January will maybe as many ulvetilhengere meet up at the same place to mark the resistance against the same government, but they take the word that the government shoots for many wolf. Green Youth will participate in the commemoration.

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It is quite interesting how the government is now getting two various demonstrations against him on the same political issue, where one group believes the government is doing too little and the other believes it is doing too much. It says a little about how inflamed ulvesaken have been.

Ulvedebatten now memories about how when the black messiah is at its worst: A debate blown out of proportion with a lot of anger, a lot of misconduct and random pekefingre. Høyrepopulister provides immigrants, especially those who look different, blamed for every possible social problems they did not have fault in.

We see the same with ulvepopulistene: the wolf is the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong in the district. Farmers in Norway have much to be frustrated over. The government leads a policy that streamlines the blind and favors large use, farmers get increasingly lower wages for his trouble and the authorities are uninterested in anything to do with climate change, which can make livestock farming impossible in the long term.

But instead of criticizing the whole of a bad agricultural policy, they are being gathered against the wolf, a predator that has never been a threat to anything. Rescues we Norwegian districts if we shoot a few more wolves? Is it easier to be a sheep farmer?

Ulvekjeftens political power Comment

Tallenes tale is clear: the wolf takes a very small share of the sheep on the Norwegian utmarksbeite. A bekymringsmessig large proportion of sheep die on the pasture, the entire 15 per cent, but only 15 per cent of these again are taken by predators. And even among the predators taking both the brown bear, lynx and wolverine more sheep. Most of the sheep that do not die because they are slaughtered, die because they have been bred to not be able to take care of themselves.

The Norwegian kvitsauen, by far the most common breed, are stupid and slow and has a lack of crowd – and morsinstinkter. In avlsprogrammene have high harvest weight and fat thighs been given priority rather than allowing the sheep to be the intelligent animal it once was. With smarter and faster saueraser that works in flock, fewer animals would stumble to death, or lose her lambs, and more will be able to get away from the few predators that still is in the Norwegian nature.

the Problem is not the wolf, but the sheep. Or rather: the sheep which is created in the Norwegian landbrukspolitikkens picture, where nothing has been more important than to ensure that the meat is as cheap as possible. Who has lost on this? The animals, so clearly, that has had to endure that it is more important for the Norwegian authorities that they are cheap than that they have it good. And the farmers, who get a salary it is not possible to live by, and who must send out the sheep that are unable to run.

A study from the Norwegian institute for nature research shows that less than three percent of those who dislike the wolf has great confidence in scientists. It can be to explain why numbers and statistics don’t work in ulvedebatten. Instead of keeping the debate factual, spec the irrational fear of the wolf into a nasty populist soup where contempt for an undefined elite constitute the ingredient.

Centre manager Trygve Slagsvold Vedum emerges as one of the ulvemotstandernes commanders, and was among the appellantene on fakkeltoget 8. January. As a responsible politician and former in should he have the courage to not allow themselves to resort to the easy populist trick. Ulveskyting is not only a threat to Norwegian biodiversity, it is an overly simple solution to a complicated problem.

The western trends, the centre party wants in the Norwegian forests, and that the government is on, will only lead to increased conflict level in the population, the more desperate stray animals and more inbreeding in the ulveflokkene, and none of the real challenges facing the district and the agricultural meetings, will be resolved.

I think Slagsvold Vedum know this is just as good as I can. Now it is time to start talking politics again, and not just to surf on this wave of populist opportunism.

Ulvepopulismen is not only dangerous for the Norwegian species diversity, but also for democracy in our. It should be launched few wolf. But the most important thing now is that ulvemotstanderne stops to enjoy mimicking the actions of external conservative innvandringsmotstandere, and begins to relate to the facts and not the dishes pekefingre against innocent symbols.

Give us the actual policy that is. Instead of eradicating the wolf, what do the sheep pleasant and friendly again, Slagsvold Vedum?

SEt attempt to establish some common truths in the rovdyrdebatten Debate