The plastic waste continues Svenja Schulze on a “round table”. She was confident, she says, “voluntary agreements advance faster and to create more than about bans”. A model is no longer for the self-commitment of companies, plastic bags for free.

Not quite so confident is the Minister of the environment of the SPD is, when it comes to bring your Ministerial colleagues from the CDU and the CSU as part of a commitment in terms of climate protection. This is precisely the concept of your act, a draft of which has been submitted a few days ago, to the so-called early coordination in the Federal Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU). The clause, for six sectors – energy, industry, transport, buildings, agriculture and waste management/other – for each year a quantity of climate-damaging carbon dioxide emissions will be set, which must not be exceeded. For each sector the responsible Ministry should define what needs to be done to achieve the climate goals.

Altmaier, Scheuer and Klöckner want to call it no action

That sounds like freedom and responsibility. But in the course of the past few weeks, it became clear that Schulze’s Ministerial colleague, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), Peter Altmaier, and Julia Klöckner (both CDU) have little inclination to call the Minister of the environment, concrete steps, within their fields of transport, economy and agriculture to measurable CO2 would lead to savings. Although Schulze’s approach in the coalition agreement and the reduction targets in the climate protection plan of the Federal government are defined, the Union responded, as if she would have been surprised by the social-Democrat, in a coup-like method.

group Vice-Georg Nüßlein (CSU) spoke of “a national economic plan in a green robe” and of the “de-democratization”. The CDU-energy politician Joachim Pfeiffer postulated: “A climate plan for business, not for the CDU and the CSU.” And economy Minister Altmaier told Schulze: “The theme is suitable for personal or party-political profiling.”

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What drives the 50-year-old Westphalia, a social Democrat from North Rhine-so head-on with your coalition partner? It is your self or the SPD, or both?

First of all: Schulze has not been with anyone. Your local Secretary of state Jochen Flasbarth (SPD) pointed out that Altmaiers charge, Schulze was presses ahead with the bill, “pre -“, for that reason alone, to the Empty go, because the environment had given the Ministry the draft aware to the Chancellery for early coordination. The Alternative would have been, the paper directly to the other ministries to the vote. Schulze’s the exact opposite” of scamper is”.

Schulze’s serious

In the Procedure the Minister is more diplomatic than offensive. However, in the case it has a clear line. “You want to come in climate change mitigation, 2019 will be a critical year”, – said on the level of management of the Ministry. “With the draft you took to the proof: they are serious about it.”

The former North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of science, was not considered first choice, as it was in March of 2018, the Federal Minister of the environment. But the Comrades from North Rhine-Westphalia could still be a place in the new government of Angela Merkel (CDU) to occupy. Because the social Democrats had always spoken of rejuvenation, had to Schulze’s predecessor, Barbara Hendricks, soft.

As Schulze comes from the coal country of North Rhine-Westphalia and a member of the trade Union IG BCE is expected, many in the political operation that Schulze would not be a dedicated fighter for the protection of the climate. But in the course of their first Talk in the Bundestag made it clear that you are with the topic. And in the summer of 2018 they open to put in a big contribution in the daily mirror that she will bring a climate protection law with which you take your Cabinet colleagues in the duty. Already because you wrote that every Minister must come up with money out of his budget, if Germany has to buy for him CO2-certificates from other EU States that comply with to meet the emission targets.

your goal also makes politically secure, Schulze voted in the last few weeks closely with the SPD-top, especially with party leader Andrea Nahles and Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz. This is also necessary because both are not noticed as a protector of the climate. Nahles turned to the topic of coal, the exit is always more on the side of the miners. And Scholz Schulze in the past year, the emergence of the environment had pronounced Minister for a CO2 price. This should not happen to her again.

The law could be for the SPD to be a ground for divorce

This Time the Comrades are at the very least. Nahles and, still more, Scholz have no interest in that Germany will have to spend billions for CO2-emission certificates, because some Ministers have no effective measures. Now the socialists want to drag the issue to a higher level: group managing Director Carsten Schneider called on the Chancellor, “your Minister to work to stop”.

Merkel herself has interfered in the dispute. Now, you must first decide your Chancellery Minister brown, if he calls on the ministries concerned to the vote together, or whether he gives the bill directly to the departmental vote. Then also Scheuer, Altmaier, and Klöckner need to say, how to meet the climate objectives of the Federal government.

The political scientist Arne Jungjohann believes that the SPD is now in a Phase in which it was prepared, conflict with the coalition partner. Schulze attempts to take advantage of the favor of the hour. “The law is in favour of outright”, says the expert, who also works for the Green-close-to-Böll-Foundation. “It is your responsibility is the area of the law is agreed upon in the coalition agreement and the public opinion, Schulze is on your side.”

Schulze in the law not only climate protection, but also to the own profile and that of your party. “In the SPD, there is a dispute about the orientation of the environmental and climate policy, the hitherto largely neglected was treated.” The party had used the issue of more for Out of own core competencies, such as the struggle for social justice.

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packaging waste, the fight against the bag

Thorsten Mumme

Schulze remained as Minister of the environment “in the past, pale and hasn’t got much to show for it”. The coalition have the climate target for 2020 to be buried, and Scholz, block a CO2 tax. The recent climate of political attacks, the Union looks young Johann is less in the case of justified, but rather as a Symptom of a programmatic struggle, as it goes to Merkel. The policy on climate change has explosive power, it signals the SPD parliamentary group Vice-Matthias Miersch of the Union. “We have not written in vain, in the year 2019 in the coalition agreement,” says Miersch with a view to the planned mid-term review in the summer. Schulze’s law could be the reason for the divorce.