Three days before S-trätans key keep the IF Metall’s social club annual meeting in a venue that is situated adjacent to the People’s House, where the battle around the team leader Ann-Sofie Hermansson to be determined.

With 400 members and 27 delegates of the congress are the biggest medlemsföreningen in Gothenburg, sweden. Many of the people on the ground who gathered outside the conference room call the situation that occurred for deeply unhappy and devastating for an already hard-tested party.

– There are no winners, only losers, in this. And the big question is how our party will look like when the days come on Monday, says Hans Aronsson, who has been a member since 1965.

of the others who gathered for coffee and sandwich before the annual meeting, and he wonders how it has been able to go so far.

“But it is well so that when the manger is empty, the bits of the horses,” he says.

the Manger may, in this case symbolize the number of sympathizers and even if it is not empty S in Gothenburg plummeted from 36% in 2006 to 20 percent in the fall. Now is not väljartappet the main reason that the district board and fullmäktigegruppen explained Ann-Sofie Hermansson persona non grata. ”The couch” was chosen to be the president as late as 2016. Ironically, it was Anna Johansson, who piloted the forward her to power. Johansson, the former infrastructure minister, is the daughter of the Gothenburg ikoniske politician Göran Johansson, who piloted the forward Hermansson. In addition, Anna Johansson and Hermansson close friends. It is no longer.

As chairman of the district board are Anna Johansson in the lead for those who demand her resignation. To complicate the situation further, even Johansson announced that she is departing from her post.

to avgångskravet is mainly that the Following are not considered to be cooperating and that all decisions should go through her chief of staff, David Heather.

the Reasons of Hermanssons supporters described as diffuse.

– the Way in which this has been managed has not been neat, and the risk is that you make a good social democrat, ” says Kennet Hammerström, another of the members who come to the annual meeting.

Kennet Hammerström. Photo: Tomas Ohlsson

He comes from Denmark and became a P-member as late as last year. Despite the quarrel, he chooses to be optimistic about the future.

” It’s going to get something good out of it also, but the most important thing now is that the party listens to its members. It feels like it’s been very top-down, ” he says.

as Ann-Sofie Hermansson say they feel a great deal of support from, and that is the reason why she did not resign. The big question is what happens if she gets a majority of the 238 delegates on extrakongressen. Will a district board and fullmäktigegruppen to resign then? No one knows. Anna Johansson has stated that it will get to position to it if the situation arises.

With a few days left to the decision tilts the political scientist Jonas Hinnfors, university of Gothenburg against the board of directors will emerge victorious from the battle. He bases his tips on getting the leading socialists jerked off to Hermanssons defense.

– On the other hand, it is the representatives from the S-compounds that determine the thing, ” said Hinnfors, which draws parallels between the treatment of Hermansson and the way in which Håkan He is forced away from the leadership.

Hinnfors argue that it is impossible to discuss about this battle is all about the person, or ideology, but says that the Hermanssons big mistake was the analysis of the results of the election, as did that S lost power in the city after 24 years. He says that it is difficult to get an overview of what happens if she gets extrakongressens confidence.

– The only thing you can be sure that then becomes the chaos even worse, ” says Hinnfors.

Karl-Henrik Rosberg. Photo: Tomas Ohlsson

, one of them who are going to vote, make their last hours as president of the IF Metall’s association at the annual meeting, where he resigns and is replaced by Kristofer Bergman. Extrakongressen is the big topic of conversation. Afterwards tells Rosberg that many members wondered what really is the facts of the case. There has been so much pajkastning, both in the mainstream and social media. Normally, the association’s delegates to vote as a delegation, but this situation is considered special.

– Therefore, we will not urge anyone to vote in a particular way, ” says Rosberg, who think that it is important to consider what is best for the party.

Civilian he works as a mediator at the IF Metall and suffer to see how the social democrats in Gothenburg is torn apart.

“It is too sad that it has come to this,” he says.