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there are Already universities that have made disappear the walls of the classrooms or have been set with panels of glass, as in the University of Stanford (USA). But don’t go so far to see the innovative experiences are incorporated into the university life. In the campus of the Camilo José Cela University has undertaken a pioneering project in the even measures the quality of the air, as when the CO2 exceeds 2,000 parts per million, low concentration, and the pulse, which produces sleepiness in the student. There are solutions so useful as a video game that reduces the stress and lessens the fear of the students of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) when faced with their first visits to the operating room. The lesson in all of life is combined with innovative learning methods and even architectural proposals that favor the exchange and the acquisition of knowledge.

The digital revolution and technology that we live in is changing the world of higher education. the “The conventional classroom only works for a type of teaching that is the lecture. to keep using but do not abuse. It is necessary to accompany with other models such as round tables, tutorials, panels, student presentations… The human formation is a continuous process. The key is the motivation of the student, and this is achieved with innovation,” says Paul Fields, professor of the University San Pablo-CEU and academic of the Real Academy of Doctors of Spain.

“Is changing the way of giving class. What taking the course on an exam each time it passes less”

new technologies are giving way to new ways of learning. “They are changing the way to class. What taking the course-to-face cross in a demanding examination each time it passes less,” says Baltasar Fernández Manjón, director of the Research Group of Educational Technology at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). This is reflected in the various experiences which timidly begin to implement in different universities. Now, for example, opens the way to what’s called “the classroom is inverted (“flipped classroom”), which gives a radical turn to the concept of the traditional classroom, where a teacher makes his presentation and the students sit and listen. is With this new methodology, “the student receives the content, studied at home and goes to class to discuss, to discuss, to resolve doubts and questions, and to do projects,” says Fernández Manjón.

Example innovative

The most innovative, as Paul points out Fields, is at the University of Stanford (united States) where they have opted for the “immersion” casual.

The classrooms are open, so that “at any time, the student joined the session”, explains. In the universities of our country, the focus is increasingly project-based learning and continuous evaluation, “which have much better results both in learning as in note,” says Manjón. “Of course, there are still classes of 200 students at Right -continuous, but in other teachings, we are introducing changes. For example, in the UCM, in Computer science, we have classes of 80 students. Those students already do not play it all to a final exam, but there is an assessment for projects that may involve 30 to 100% of the final grade. To any university you lack as your virtual campus, and all have some kind of degree, at least, semi. The University of Education to Distance (UNED) has launched remote laboratories and virtual to do engineering at a distance. Well known is the firm commitment of the University Carlos III by the MOOCS (online courses massively open).

Many of these innovative experiences to play with the architecture as a tool to create spaces where the flow of knowledge and learning. the “There are millions of square feet of universities, but are not rentabilizados. could Be activated spaces that already exist for the learning and that they are now inert. With small surgeries, corridors, hall, distributors, free spaces open… become learning spaces on each campus. Planning is the secret,” says Fields.

An example is the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC), where they have designed spaces “that are designed to motivate the student, with technology very innovative and active learning methodologies,” says Silvia Carrascal, vice-rector of Teaching and Learning of the UCJC. In this campus there are hiperaulas, open spaces that allow for reflection and discussion. And it has taken into account many details to take care of the levels of light, noise and temperature (between 18 to 21 degrees, as if you exceed that number decreases the performance in Mathematics).