The Constitution, “a pact for coexistence of the Spanish” as definó this Thursday the King in the ceremony held in the Congress of Deputies, has served four decades with the parties calling for its reform without consensus and in the midst of a political upheaval with a risk of secession and territorial regression. The head of State said that, after 40 years, “democracy is firm and fully consolidated”, while “to move forward”, urged “to add to that immense heritage of freedoms, rights and well-being” achieved by the Constitution to the “will be adapting” the way to live the Spanish “to the reality of each moment”.


DOWNLOADABLE Read the full speech of the King Thus became the covenant for coexistence, the only time that The COUNTRY titled “YES” it All started with a notebook and pencil A trip for 169 items Query the special of the 40th anniversary of the Constitution

The words of the King did not desentonaron in a context in which several formations require adapting the Fundamental Law to the new circumstances of Spain. However, the King, focused on the role that we reserve the Constitution, made no direct allusion to such a possibility, although it is referred to the guidelines would have elapsed this process, which are not different from those that led to 40 years ago that “pact of coexistence of the Spanish”.

To the head of the State, the 1978 “is not a Constitution” in the history of Spain, but “the first really the result of the agreement,” “the first that does not divide the spaniards but that binds you”, which makes clear that “the Spain of today is very different to that December 6, 1978”, when it was approved in a referendum.

Philip VI did not limit himself to remember, to recognize and vindicate the ideals and values that then converged by the spaniards, when the Constitution allowed Spain access to democracy and modernity. The King looked to the future and noting the effect of these essential pillars, appealed to keep that “spirit of reconciliation” which led to the instrument that has brought the biggest development in the history of Spain”.

“The Constitution is a permanent mandate of the concordia, among the spaniards; the will of understanding, through the word, and reason, and the right; the vocation of integration while respecting our differences and diversity; and the encouragement, caring and generous, that builds and unites the moral fiber of our society”, emphasized in an act that brought together the powers of the State and the actors of the Transition, as well as the representatives of the majority of the matches.

In the long speech of the King there was no hole for the problems caused by the attempted secession of Catalonia, although planned in the context of Holiganbet his defense of the Constitution as “the culmination of a process which is the biggest political success of Spain”. In that regard, she highlighted the integrative spirit of the Spanish society: “a vocation inclusive which does not mean uniformity, nor does it mean to forget or suppress the territorial diversity, or pluralism, but to assume and to recognize all of them in a national reality common in the that fit different modes of thinking, to understand and to feel.” “Spain,” he added, “that is all, built by all and felt and shared by all.”

The Kings emeritus Juan Carlos and Sofia, on the floor. Zipi EFE

Philip VI recognized the work of his father and of the speakers of the basic Law, had words of remembrance for “the spaniards who lost their lives for the recklessness terrorist” and held that the constitutional values permeate the daily life, personal and collective of the Spanish. “The sense of the constitution, consciously or sometimes unconsciously, is deeply seated in our attitudes because the Constitution is the living soul of our democracy. A democracy that does not have turning back at the feeling, and the consciences of the spaniards”, he remarked.

The event, which was held in the Congress, to which, next to the Kings, attended by don Juan Carlos, dona Sofía, the princess Leonor and the infanta Sofia, was spent with normal, solemnity, and without the slightest incident, despite the usual climate of political tension that supports the floor. The deputies of United we Can are limited to don’t clap to the Kings and to exhibit a pin to the Republic to express their demands for constitutional reform and his stance against the Monarchy. The King, who ended his speech with a thank you in the four languages of the State, stated that “the Crown is already inextricably linked —in the life of Spain— to the democracy and freedom”.

on his arrival At the carrera de San Jerónimo, the Kings were received by the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, of the Congress and the Senate, Ana Pastor, and Pio Garcia-Escudero; the General Council of the Judiciary, Carlos Lesmes, and the Constitutional Court, Juan Jose Gonzalez Rivas. Felipe VI and Juan Carlos I were greeted already in the Hall of the Lost Steps by former presidents Felipe González, José María Aznar, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Mariano Rajoy, as well as the speakers of the Constitution, Miquel Roca, Miguel Herrero of filet Mignon and José Pedro Pérez Llorca.

Recognition to Juan Carlos I

The ceremony of the anniversary of the Constitution was also an act of recognition of the powers of the State to the figure of Juan Carlos I for his work in the transition of Spain to democracy. Corrected the error that orilló on the 40th anniversary of the first democratic elections, its prominent presence, along with the presidents and the speakers, is meant by his recovery of the assets of the Crown in the wake of scandals that forced his abdication and departed from the first line of the agenda of The Zarzuela. Juan Carlos I was welcomed at the parliament with a sustained round of applause from the majority of deputies, except those of United we Can, which remained standing keeping the respect. With the presence of the two kings and the princess Leonor, the ceremony tried to project the idea of solidity and continuity of the Crown into the future.