The centerpartistiska powers met on Monday and resolved, among other things, the decision to exclude the mayor, Stefan Hanna (C).

Hanna, who served as mayor since 2010, is accused of second Uppsalapolitiker to behave in a way that creates fear and a tystnadskultur.

– There are a number of individual members plus the independent reviewer which paints such a picture. There has been a high turnover of trustees in the internal partikretsen. People lose the urge and don’t want to work anymore, ” says Thomas Lind, : on the Centre party.

– Different types of härskartekniker that makes people not feel the joy in their work, ” says Lind.

He does not want to highlight a few specific examples, but says that the powers made a concerted assessment after having received similar stories from independent sources, and from external reviewers, the party sent to the municipality.

the Centre party in Uppsala, sweden, has announced a vote to try hanna’s confidence in the party. The vote, however, would be in the beginning of January.

– When it comes to uteslutningsärenden should it be handled as promptly as possible, and it is just the powers that can expel members, ” says Thomas Lind, and adds that Stefan Hanna had the opportunity to speak before the powers which he had done.

His image is different.

When DN reaches Stefan Hanna, he holds on to prepare for a press conference to comment on the uteslutningsärendet.

Stefan Hanna says to DN that uteslutningsärendet is ”democratically and legally disgusting”.

– It is based on a totally sick grounds, I have challenged everything. It is about a faction that opposed me the whole time. We have made the best choice for 30 years and an excellent local choice. Anyway continue the campaign against me. It is an example of how democracy in Sweden have big troubles at the moment, ” he says.

” I do not agree with. It is not the reality. There are many who are now gone out and shown their support for me – people with leadership positions in the C – and said that they don’t recognize this picture of my leadership. (C) has performed fantastically under my leadership. The powers have only listened to this little clique, which has been negative towards me.