Foreign minister Y Eriksen Søreide (H) has been in the Parliament and explained the government’s view on Libya-report (“Evaluation of the Norwegian participation in Libya operations in 2011”). It was as expected a very subdued affair. Even the cautious and nisjepregede criticism of the Libya report was gently reduced or sminket. In this case, it is of little importance that the Norwegian participation in Libya was decided and implemented by the government Stoltenberg. In questions regarding war for the allies, there is a massive political majority, which extends over almost the entire political spectrum. Norway is to be obedient and diligent.

DIRECT: the foreign minister and the defence minister, directly from the Storting about Norway’s participation in Libya in 2011. Video: Parliament Show more

Work with Libya-the report was led by former Right-leader and minister of foreign affairs Jan Petersen. Even though the report will strictly adhere to a narrow mandate, it includes the important criticism and lærepunkter. The report stated that the Norwegian authorities have to a small extent had an independent understanding of the situation in Libya when the decision about participation in the operations was taken. The government had no exit strategy and it was not made any assessment of whether the decision involved the war in the international rights sense. The operations changed the character and became a war for regime change, had no consequences.

Report otherwise clear that the Libya engagement had international rights and humanitærrettslig anchoring, and that the rapid and narrow the decision-making process was constitutionally durable. This let the foreign minister also emphasized in his statement yesterday. Krigsoperasjoner shall still be determined with a minimum of the makers and with secret briefings in the Parliament. Libya-the case is ready to is stamped and archived without consequences.

Under over five months of the operations lasted, did the Norwegian F-16 aircraft 2820 missions and dropped 588 bombs. Around 75 per cent of the targets were bombed on the basis of the pilots spotted from the air. The humanitarian and material consequences of this are not considered or discussed any place. The story of the war shall have a strict direction. We had a UN mandate and could not know how complex the situation in Libya was. the

foreign minister Søreide yesterday strongly warned against “kontrafaktiske conclusions”, she is in reality looking to stamp all criticism of the war as pure hindsight. This marked the willingness to learn something of the war’s experiences, is not due to a lack of knowledge or wisdom. The minister of foreign affairs can their cases. Resentment is political.

Red-Moxnes raged: – to go to war is serious