The Federal office for the protection of the Constitution should be able to monitor in the future, also in the case of messenger services like Whatsapp or Telegram easier. The interior Ministry wants to extend an ARD according to a report in the powers for Monitoring, among other things, the previous age limit of 14 years should be deleted without replacement. Especially in this point of the draft hits in the SPD to reject. the

The protection of the Constitution should be able to read in the future easier in the case of chat messenger services like Whatsapp and Telegram. A report by the “daily show”, according to the interior Ministry plans to facilitate the Monitoring by law. In the draft of the speech, which allow the domestic intelligence service, advanced intervention is a Change in the Constitution protection act. Not only the Federal, but also the protection of the Constitution, it will, by Trojan Software to monitor what is happening on a Smartphone (so-called source telecommunication surveillance).

the Federal intelligence service (BND) with the foreign surveillance new powers. Both intelligence services should have the permit for Monitoring in the case of the G10 Commission of the Bundestag. It is for the control of the Monitoring of communications.

in addition to these technical and organisational Changes is a key aspect of the bill that the previous age limit for being Monitored from the age of 14 should be deleted for the protection of the Constitution. As a justification for the case of a twelve-year-old is specified, the 2016 wanted to perpetrate on the city’s Christmas market in a suicide attack. Also, the interior points to the Ministry on the children of German jihadists, who indoctrinated may be to return to Germany or back here.

to make this possible, to the protection of the Constitution – and BND-law in large Parts of new and clarified focus. The “Tagesschau”report, according to which both laws are to be decoupled. So are the source of recruitment for the BND in crisis regions, other conditions as for the protection of the Constitution. For example, the minimum age for BND-sources would be set at 16 years and not 18.

Currently, the draft law is located in the departmental vote of the Federal government. The SPD agrees to the deletion of the age limit, is the ARD that is unlikely. Since the amendment to the protection of the Constitution act, is also not agreed in the coalition agreement, it is also possible that the design will be completely deleted. The interior Ministry wants to expand the powers of the constitutional protection for a Long time.