Linguistic manners tilser that one should not mention himself first in a recitation. It’s called not “I and Erna”, but the “Erna and I am.”

the confederation of Norwegian enterprise annual conference, which was held today, called “We and the World”, not “the World and Us.”

It is a good example of innocent Norwegian naivety (or self-centeredness), although I don’t think the confederation of Norwegian enterprise have had any intention to add something more in it. We are ourselves enough. As Katja Lehland, HR-director of the kinesiskeide Elkem, said from the stage:

“We must be careful not to become smug up here in the north.”

For the same director has absolutely right: “We are norwegians, but first and foremost citizens of the world.” Whether we want it or not. We cannot get the world to adapt to us. We must adapt ourselves to the world.

It is this vulnerability and lack of influence that should be the basis for how Norway chooses to orient themselves toward the world. In the same way that climate change knows no borders, there has been a lot of problems in today’s society, which cannot be solved by each country alone.

Norway is no hvemsomhelst in on the international scene, but our opportunities to assert Norwegian interests in the face of great powers and strong alliances is in someone else’s grace. Probably far more often than we like to admit.

Norway is depending on of the fact that other countries respect a common set of rules. If we all agree on standards and regulations, as well as have confidence that they are observed, even small countries to compete with large. Term creates predictability and confidence that makes it possible for Norwegian companies to risk large investments, without the fear of being dominated out of the competition later.

the EEA agreement is such a framework. A safe haven for investment, because we have international courts which ensures that avtalepartnerne our not cheats. Aberet is that we provide sovereignty to be allowed to participate. In the same way as in all other types of agreements, we have weighted our own interests so that there is a change we are willing to do.

So baker we the economic pie our bigger, which again means that we can invest in their own welfare, or spend money on to solve verdensproblemer that also concern us.

the confederation of Norwegian enterprise annual conference is centered around the fear that the support around this way to weigh the interests and opportunities are under pressure. It is an anxiety I share with the confederation of Norwegian enterprise. Even though studies show that a large majority in Norway supports up under the EEA agreement, is the opposition ever more loudly. Often, I believe, with the facile reasoning and lack of options.

For even though Norway is in the big picture is a small country, we should have great ambitions. Because we don’t get solved problems alone, we must seek to solve them with others. It requires cooperation and compromise. We must give and take. Norwegian participation in the european community can not be based on the fact that some interests should always win, whether it is unions or the business community.

But to get to anything, we also need a place around the table. The EEA agreement is utenforskap. EU membership provides participation in decision-making. Get votes in the big picture, but the opportunity to speak with high voice to set the agenda for the rest of Europe.

Proteksjonister has a lot of resistance in themselves, but get answers on how Norway should win internationally without participating in binding cooperation with others. We need help from others to cope with the problems that flyktningkriser (including skatteflyktninger, which is perhaps most obvious for næringslivstoppene gathered in Oslo Spectrum), migration, terror, and a heated international climate.

Protectionism and populism are, as the confederation of Norwegian enterprise-the president said it in his speech, reactions, not solutions.

NHO scratching their heads over resistance. There is no reason to Comment