until now, geothermal energy, the construction has been inconvenient groundwater in the area, but since last spring it has been practically impossible. The reason is the Supreme administrative court in the spring to give the solution.

Turku, the property owner would have to replace the residential buildings of oil heating by geothermal energy to reduce energy costs. For that purpose, they apply for a permit 180 meters deep energy well for.

Southern Finland regional state administrative agency rejected the permit application in may 2016. The supreme administrative court settled in the same position last spring and published its decision in the book as a solution (switch to another service). (SCA)

Court to control the actions of officials

the SAC of the solution after the Ely-centres have reviewed their approach to geothermal construction Superintendent Vesa Hyvärinen Pirkanmaa ely centre granted, that permission is not summer after not been supported.

– the supreme administrative COURT considered the individual property of the energy wells of the project to cause significant risk to groundwater. In the book the solution you are instructions of the authorities. They should be read carefully and take the practice, he said.

Superintendent Vesa Hyvärinen according to the ground water areas must comply with very strongly precautionary principle.Jussi Strawberry / Yle

for Example, in Tampere groundwater area is large and fairly tightly built. The center of the east side of the zone passes through the lake from the side of Kaukajärvi and the west side of the lake from the Ylöjärvi and Nokia far. The region has numerous energy wells.

SAC line of the following may happen that the neighbor’s geothermal experience enthusiastic about a house company may not permit on your own the well his.

– in This solution, the supreme administrative COURT considered that when the area is already energy wells, the new wells will cause increases the risk, Vesa Hyvärinen said.

But isn’t it wrong that the law treats neighbors differently? Hyvärinen, it is natural that the law of change, such situations will become.

There was previously a gas station for decades, but it had to be demolished out, that groundwater would be at risk. This is the same type of thinking change.

the Permit condition is a significant benefits

Geothermal energy for construction is usually sufficient on promise and if you are formula-outside of the area, permission is not necessarily needed at all. When you go to the bottom water formation region, the municipality usually asks the opinion elyltä.

If ely requires a water permit in accordance with the licence applicant, the property owner can turn things in the regional state administrative agency. Also, avi asked to project the opinion of the ely centre.

If the permission is not the water act according to the absolute barriers, the project made by the so-called balancing of interests. It assesses the project’s potential benefits and harms, Vesa Hyvärinen explains.

– Permission condition is that the benefits are significantly outweigh the risks. These energy wells cases, however, the gains are usually private and small.

during the Last five years about 80% of aveja’s submitted permit applications have been rejected or left aside. Earlier authorisation according to more easily.

Hyvärinen, according to authorities seek to contact the applicant line. Each case is considered separately and the line may not be completely uniform.

But it’s not very likely, however, that the energy wells to get permits from this aquifer. Yes, alignment is strict.

Read more:

Geothermal interest to apartment house companies – the investment can pay for heating costs in the born saving

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