the baltic sea of the construction of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline construction delayed Denmark has issued a construction permit for pipes. The Danish energy agency to inform (you move to another service), that the tube has now promised to pull the island of Bornholm in the southeast side.

Denmark was the only one in the Baltic sea region transit, which had not yet been granted permission to pipe the construction of the economic zone through.

Nord Stream 2 pipeline builders seeking permission for different line rates three times before the Danish requirements were met. Yet in the spring of Denmark was estimated could delay gas pipeline construction up to one year.

Russian oil and natural gas group gazprom’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that when completed, the Russian gas to Europe mainly in the north-western Siberia on the Yamal peninsula.

the Baltic seabed from Russia to Germany through the Nord Stream 2 has aroused heated debate.

the gas pipeline company in the release (switch to another service) according to the Danish energy agency now approved route is 147 miles long. According to the company, the job of pipe line starts in the next few weeks.

Nord Stream 2 –the pipeline of the company has now installed over 2 100 kilometres long. Pipelaying is to make completely ready for the Russian, Finnish and Swedish waters, as well as for the most part finished German waters. Also, the pipeline landfall in Russia and Germany are the company that almost ready.

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Nord Stream 2 may be delayed due to denmark because of the but Europe needs russia’s gas policy in spite of where the gas war is about?

the united states still featured the old threatening to impose sanctions to the Nord Stream 2 -pipe

the News fixed 30.10. at 15.52. The term “territorial waters” has been replaced by the term “economic zone”.

Sources: AP, AFP, Tass

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