Just minutes after the polling stations closed, demanded the opposition re-election. Oikyafront brought forward the requirement that the election be void, and shall be made at a press conference at his home in Dhaka at the 20-time local time. It writes The Daily Star.

– This shows that a free and fair election is not possible under this government, said the leader of the opposition party BNP, Mirza Fakhrul.

against Monday Swedish time, had the reigning alliance of the 288 seats against the opposition’s 7 and 3 to the other parties to the 300 seats in parliament, according to tv channel, Channel 24 that follows the choice. Soon afterward came also the electoral vengeance – Awamiförbundet had won the election.

Then had the incumbent prime minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed won a landslide victory in his own constituency, with 229.539 votes against the opposition’s SM Gilanis 123.

But the choice is thus far from undisputed.

According to the first figures see the turnout looks to be low among the country’s 104 million voters, something that can be explained by the fact that many may have felt afraid to go to the polling stations. At the election five years ago was a hundred polling stations in the fire, and also this time reported violence and try to prevent people from voting in multiple locations.

the disabled also had difficulty getting to the polling stations, then all the municipal and private transport is banned during the election day.

at Least 22 polling stations were forced to shut down, several of them since the ballots stolen by criminals, writes Dhakatidningen The Daily Star. 47 candidates from the opposition have also chosen to not set up then they accused the ruling party in order to prevent voters from voting and to have planned a massive fraud. The country’s electoral commission has confirmed that it is investigating multiple complaints electoral fraud, writes Reuters.

the 14-time Swedish time, had at least 17 people have been killed, according to information from the police. Three of them had been shot to death by police, one of them since he, according to the police attacked a polling station in Bashkhali in the southern part of Bangladesh. Six others were killed during clashes between supporters of the ruling party and the opposition. A police officer has been killed by activists who sympathize with the opposition, says the country’s authorities.

A supporter of the ruling party, died after he was punched in the head by the opposition supporters in the southeastern district of Rangamati, writes TT.

08 o’clock on Sunday morning in the south asian country and was closed eight hours later.

Several doubts have arisen about the elections. A valkommissionär, Mahbub Talukdar, says to Reuters that he had received complaints about the observers from opposition parties have been kept away from the polling stations. The country’s electoral commission has also started an investigation on electoral fraud, writes the news agency.

” We have received allegations of electoral fraud from across the country. If we get confirmation that this is so, we will take action, ” says S. M Asaduzzaman, a spokesperson for the authority, to Reuters.

Sheikh Hasina Wajed says to be sure of a win after a campaign that was marked by unrest and violence. At least six partifunktionärer have been killed, more than 8,000 opinionspolitiker and activists have been arrested and even more have been injured. Leader of the opposition Khaleda Zia of the nationalist party BNP has also been sentenced to imprisonment in a judgment which she says is politically motivated. Ahead of the elections shut down parts of mobildatanätet down to reduce the rumor mill, according to authorities.

Reuters says Sheikh Hasinas son Sajeeb Wazed that he thinks that western media reporting has been unfair, and that the Hasina takes it as a ”hedersmärke” to be called the authoritarian by such news outlets.

Sheikh Hasinas party Awamiförbundet has ruled the country for almost ten years. During the period, the economy has been greatly developed, while some democratic freedoms and rights have been curtailed.

Violence and fuskanklagelser faced with the choice