the Prosecutor writes in the lawsuit that the parents have given their daughter ”flawed and one-sided diet” that was not sufficiently nutritious. The girl had very low weight and showed a lack of, among other vitamins and minerals in the body.

”the Girl was severely malnourished, we rarely see so undernourished children in Sweden. I mean that the parents have been negligent then they are not given the girl a proper diet and not let health care hälsoundersöka her since she was born. When she came in to the emergency room, it was according to the doctors not far from that the girl had died,” writes the prosecutor Ximena Bene in a press release.

that the offence should be assessed as serious because it involved the conscious risk-taking of the serious kind. The parents have, among other things kept the girl away from the child-health station, which has the task to carry out medical examinations.

the Man prosecuted also for the minor drug offence when he unlawfully held the 20 tramadoltabletter which is controlled. In the part of the prosecution he admits, in general, denies both parents to the crime. The parents have been detained since the beginning of march.

the Trial begins today, Friday, and is expected to take two to three rättegångsdagar. Several of the staff at the hospital will be consulted, both about the girl’s condition when she came to the hospital, her care since then, and if the contact with the parents.

Read more: Parents in Nacka prosecuted – one was considered to suffer from hunger