At a press conference in the New Zealand capital of Wellington on Sunday afternoon, local time, confirmed the prime minister Jacinda Ardern that her staff received an email from the offender nine minutes before he started shooting inside the al Noor mosque in Christchurch on Friday. More than 30 other public bodies should have received the same email containing the offender’s manifesto he refers to his plans and motives.

the e-Mail should not have contained any specific details or platsangivelser and it was sent quickly on within the parliament for screening.

short in order to catch the action. Before any details had been received, had nödsamtalen already begun to call, said the police in the country.

Jacinda Ardern said to the offender, who is of australian descent, not in the first place, will be deported to Australia, but should be tried in New Zealand. If convicted waiting, according to legal experts, a long prison sentence without the possibility of parole.

On Monday hit again, the government and top on the agenda is a strengthening of the vapenlagarna.

” We can’t postpone the work that needs to be done. There will be changes, ” said Jacinda Ardern.

she was in Wellington to meet with representatives from the muslim assembly.

She also intends to discuss directly with Facebook about the live broadcast to which the offender was put out while he did the deed, and then was on for several hours before it finally was removed.

the Public have expressed disgust before that it was up but also that it was kept and republished by some of the media.

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Known näthatare ported from Australia.