In november 2016 reported a number of diplomats at the american embassy in Havana, how they suffered from nausea, dizziness, and hearing loss. The united states later decided to take home a large part of the staff and the expulsion of cuban diplomats.

Some of the american diplomats managed to record the sounds, which they thought lay behind their problems. A sound that now has been analysed by two researchers who compared the sound of the recording with the sounds of the insects.

almost exactly with the from a cricket – Anurogryllus celerinictus. A type of cricket that can bring forth a very loud and annoying sound.

– There is a lot of discussion among medical scientists about what physical damage, if any, that these individuals may have suffered, ” says Alexander Stubbs at the University of California in Berkeley, who along with her colleague, Fernando Montealegre-Z at the University of Lincoln in the Uk is behind the report, in an interview down the New York Times.

Stubbs describes syrsornas sound as so loud that ”it can be heard in a truck running 70 miles an hour on a highway”.

not yet published in any scientific journal but has been out on a site for scientific reports.

the Researchers themselves do not exclude that recorded by the diplomats and what might have befallen them are two different things:

“It is absolutely conceivable that the onset of a completely different unrelated thing that was not a ljudattack, or they become targets in any other way,” says Alexander Stubbs to the New York Times.

inside that there may be something that is not a weapon to do and recommend to proceed with to investigate also the ”potential psykogena effects, and possible physiological explanations that are not related to sonic attacks”, that is, mental, or psychosocial causes.

The american federal police the FBI noted in a report a year ago that it found no evidence that the diplomats suffered a ljudvapen.

One of the doctors who examined the american diplomats, dr. Douglas Smith, points out that some of them he examined not heard any noises at all while others have described other types of sound.

” These patients have gone through a lot. And I want to know what it is about for the sound, but for us it is important to be able to do something about it happening in their brains, ” says Smith, who directs the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania to the newspaper.

are not the only ones who say they suspect that they have been subjected to a ljudvapen. In June 2018, came similar reports from China and the city of Guangzhou. For several months, u.s. authorities have suspected that their diplomats have experienced something that has given them damage like a concussion or minor brain injury”, wrote the New York Times which quoted the us state department.

the US secretary of state Mike Pompeo noted during the hearing in the house of representatives in may last year that the events in China similar to those that occurred in Cuba.

This is the sound that diplomats played in:

the Researchers compared this with the sound from a group of Anurogryllus celerinictus-crickets and argue that the similarities are striking. The difference that still exist can be explained by the fact that the sound was recorded indoors, the researchers say, which changes it slightly.

More testing after the mysterious ljudattacker on americans in China

Can be mikrovågsvapen

the united states suspects Russia of mysterious ljudattacker