the Moscow city court has decided to liquidate the indigenous human rights organization, write in English The Moscow Times on the subject. (you move to another service)

founded In 2001, arctic indigenous peoples ‘ human rights Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North -the organization’s mission is to support indigenous peoples in Northern Russia and Siberia. Association active, you will see that the organization is the Russian authorities ‘ retaliation, writes The Independent Barents Observer.

Read more: agent law and civil activists in Russia

the Authorities decided to abolish the organization of law due to violations of

CSIPN-organization lawyer Girogory Vaypan told Kommersant business daily -the online magazine for (you move to another service), that the association ceased operations and gave the entire organization a death sentence.

kommersant’s information, according to the Russian human rights ministry had asked the court to stop the indigenous people of the organization, because the association had violated Russian laws.

Vaypan tell you that they have had association with paperwork problems, but they had already begun to fix the problem before the court decision.

CSIPN-the association’s executive director Rodion Sulyandziga said Arctic Consult the website, in its opinion, (you move to another service), that the Russian authorities is an attempt to slow down the actions, which do not have the authority considers that a positive. Sulyandzigan according to authorities, the decisions in the background are the economic reasons.

– in the Arctic region and its resources is of great importance for the Russian economy. Therefore, companies see their actions as a barrier, said Sulyandziga in a statement.

– we have pushed for the rights of indigenous peoples for quite a long time. We have the opportunity to keep in touch and get involved in international forums, that we’ve talked about violations, says Rodion Sulyandziga.

CSIPN-association director Rodion Sulyandziga.Ritva Torikka / Yle

Sulyandziga is the UN rights of indigenous peoples the expert mechanism EMRIP eu member.

Moscow city court (you move to another service)abolition CSIPN-organization is not yet in force and may appeal a decision by another two weeks.

Harassment and arrests of familiar actions in Russia

indigenous activists Maria Chernova write a 7×7 Horizontal Russia -on the website (you navigate to another service), that the Russian indigenous peoples have already started to collect names on behalf of the organisation. Activists have stressed that the organization has illegally been terminated and the case will be taken to the UN.

Chernova reported that the Russian authorities are threatening indigenous peoples ‘ human rights organizations of similar claims, than the well-known human rights activist Lev Ponomarevin case. (you move to another service)

Ponomarevin led by the For Human Rights movement, was disbanded a couple of weeks ago. The authorities abolished the movement on the grounds that the business had violated, inter alia, russia’s laws on several occasions.

the leader of the Movement Ponomarev for a number of years been arrested, imprisoned and fined the activist of connections to foreign organizations and foreign funding receipt. (you move to another service)

indigenous activists are concerned about, (you move to another service)that the Russian authorities are pressuring more and more civil organizations and in this way limit their freedom of expression.

in Recent years, a number of indigenous activists and other civil society activists have come to classified as foreign agents or otherwise arrested in pursuit of international activities. Several indigenous peoples act which has seized the passports and blocked their movement abroad.

Valentina Sovkinan trip to New York the indigenous world, the conference aimed to stop in 2014.Berit Solveig Gaup / NRK

among Other things CSIPN director Rodion Sulyandziga was arrested in 2016 in Russia. The reason given was the official falsification of documents, when Sulyandzigan passport was missing one page.

in the Autumn of 2014 the Kola saami parliament leader Valentina Sovkinan the UN indigenous world conference in New York was intended to prevent.

Sovkinan journey was interrupted, inter alia, slashed her car tires, stop by and rummage through her use their second car several times before the border and demanding his passport.

Sovkina was not agreed to surrender his passport and, therefore, against him was also mild physical violence. Harassment because of Sovkina missed his flight. Sovkina from end to travel a few days late for the world’s indigenous people conference.

sámi council leaders fear unions for safety

the sámi council secretary-general of the Áile Javo said in a radio interview, that the abolition of the news is sad to hear, because Russia acted CSIPN-the association has been active in international forums and in Russia are similar as the extensive work of the indigenous organization.

Javo tell you that the sámi council has been in contact with CSIPN active and heard how they are not going to give up.

They are going to appeal the verdict and try to keep the activity alive in as many ways as possible. Although the association to abolish a surgeon, they tend to work, so they can defend indigenous issues.

sámi council, the secretary-general Áile Javo. Berit Solveig Gaup / NRK

Javo told on Monday he was worried about CSIPN association of activists and their families safety.

we know that if the Russian authorities with defiant, it can be dangerous. If this thing gets more international attention, and the Russian authorities saw that the situation is monitored, I don’t think they will happen anything dangerous, says Javo.

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