Across the country, almost every second, reports Swedish mobiles its exact position to the foreign servers, controlled by the company that has the business concept to sell the information on. As DN could reveal so do not keep promises that the information is anonymous. In fact, individuals can be easily identified.

But it is not only in intimate, private situations, the logging will take place. It is also inside of a range of sensitive agencies and facilities. In the commercially available database in which the examination is based on features such as the gps points from a mobile inside of the security Police.

Logg occurred regularly during office hours, so almost daily for a whole month. The person seems to be moving in a specific part of the building where the secret Police have their headquarters.

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also continues on the night, then in a residential building in a district of Stockholm, sweden. DN has not made further enquiries of the person. But the corresponding information, the loggings in the workplace in the daytime and in the dwelling the night time, have in many cases been all that has been required for it to be easy to see who the real man behind the mobilpositionerna is.

the Fbi choose to comment on the data written.

”the security service is aware of the risk of identification of our employees via the digital tracks. We prioritize security highly, and something we work with all the time,” writes Sofia Hellqvist, press secretary, in an email to DN. ”At the same time, it is well known was the security police head office is located.”

the Case of the security service is not unique. Loggings on many sensitive sites, according to the DN’s review. Here are some examples:

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in the centre of Stockholm is the armed forces ‘ headquarters. This is the highest level of management within the defense and Military intelligence and security service (Must).

the Defence forces press officer Philip Simon says in a mejlkommentar that the authority is aware that gps data can be sold or shared. ”It is a development that all must relate to,” he writes. ”There are always risks.”

the Defense has no general prohibition against mobile phones on the plants. But other rules may apply in certain situations: ”There are rules for the handling of cell phones depending on where you are or in what situation you are. Generally, mobile phones are allowed.”

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This is, inter alia, the Swedish armed forces intelligence and security centre placed. Several hundred loggings have been recorded inside the military area.

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on the island of Kungsholmen in Stockholm there are tens of thousands of logged positions.

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are also logged inside at the US embassy in Stockholm. Regular visitors, such as, for example, should apply for a visa, are not permitted to take mobile into this area.

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is one of Sweden’s most secret agencies. It works with signalunderrättelsetjänst and information security. On myndighetsområdet, there are no positions in our database at all – logg ends at the front desk where visitors must surrender their mobile phones. It is possible, however, to identify the persons who have arrived to FRA, for example, what locations they’ve previously visited.

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in Sweden (Forsmark, Oskarhamn and Ringhals) are the loggings in key locations in the facilities. In the graphics above shows the Forsmark nuclear power plant in the Upland.

the Question on the apps at security sensitive sites ended up in the spotlight in the last year. Then it turned out to Strava, an app that charts the running and other training, accidentally revealed a host of secret military bases. The app’s manufacturer had published a map of the world, where the usual träningsrutter was marked with clear lines. No problem, as long as it related to the regular jogging.

But it turned out that, above all, american soldiers used the app extensively, even when they were stationed on missions in foreign countries on secret military bases. On the Stravas map was the secret places suddenly exposed – that brilliant dash, often in the middle of the desert.

Bases in Syria, Mali and Afghanistan was revealed. A drönarbas under construction in the Niger and unknown places in the Yemen was selected. The Pentagon confirmed to the New York Times that examined the issue and considered action. British ministry of defense sent out the new guidelines. Where was described the app as a ”clear risk” and stressed that ”if your run starts and ends at a military barracks, anyone (including those with hostile purposes) probably guess that you are connected to the military”. It was the first time in three years that the guidelines have been updated.

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