Shortly after noon to 14 on Thursday began teaterchefens general meeting of the ensemble in Repsal a at the royal dramatic theatre. The first thing that happened during the meeting was that one of the actors took the floor and told him what one of his colleagues. The person who has been exposed was also on site during the meeting.
– More specific events in the near future was raised, events that we do not think has been handled well. One event stands out. It occurred during a ensemblefest, where an employee was exposed to a threat of violence. Working was present in the room at the event. With this background, that he is aware of the incident, and still choose to let the person who was behind the threat to go into a new production, it damages the confidence in how he looks at our values and our work environment, ” says the local fackavdelningen in a joint statement to the DN, by one of their representatives.
the royal dramatic theatre lasted just over an hour. Several people told me after the meeting that the mood was serious, sad and frustrated. Actor Tanja Lorentzon, who also sits as an employee representative on the Metro board of directors, also commented on the situation for DN and several other media outside the building.
one can say is that there are events that are not handled in good way during the Eirik Stubøs time that he must answer for, ” says Tanja Lorentzon and continues:
– This was brought up during the meeting and the difficult part is that there is something collectively that we actually know here at the theatre has happened, but that has not been handled in some good way. It is the hard part.
Tanja Lorentzon, actress at the royal dramatic theatre. Photo: Adam Daver
– the Management has known it, absolutely. It is difficult, I don’t know if I want to go into details, it has with the person who has been exposed to make also. You would like that it is the victim owns their own story, ” says Tanja Lorentzon.
According to Lorentzon came parts of the discussion at the meeting is also to trade on which the confidence of the ensemble in the day for theatre director Eirik Stubø.
My interpretation of the meeting was that many expressed they had low confidence for the way he has handled certain specific events. It has damaged the confidence in our values and working environment to be taken seriously, ” says Tanja Lorentzon.
” It is deeply painful.
During the meeting there were several people who cried, it was a very, very strong feelings. So we feel not so good.
” We shall gather us together, talk together and day by day.
– the Board of directors has responsibility for our organisation, and we have shortcomings in our organization. And it is the board’s responsibility, ” says Tanja Lorentzon.
times have Dramatic fackstyrelse stated that there are problems with the working environment in the theatre, among other things, in the fall when you called a members ‘ meeting after a large number of employees left their posts in a short time. Tanja Lorentzon insists now that the work environment is not sustainable.
” No, it’s not. And it has to do with the fact that there is a past that is about our place of work where the situations are not handled in a good way. When you do not get the confidence of our policies, and the management says that we stand for. For it must go hand-in-hand with the documents, and the choices that management makes, ” says Tanja Lorentzon.
she’s also the question from the attending media for how she looks on the upcoming process.
” I have so very difficult to see – it is so intense everything right now. I need to be able to look to the future, must believe in a different future, and have faith that it can be done through call and that it really actually will be a change, ” says Tanja Lorentzon.
the DN has sought Eirik Stubø.