The Arabic news channel al-Jazeera reported on Friday about the escalation of raids against the communities along the river Euphrates which is still controlled by the ICE. Earlier in the week ”leveled the village of al-Kashmah with the ground”, according to what an eyewitness tells us of the tv channel.

For less than three weeks ago, on 19 december, announced the president of the united states Donald Trump ICE was defeated and that the united states would end its military involvement in Syria within 30 days.

on the ground in Syria. They are included in the so-called Operation Roundup, which was launched in the beginning of may last year. The aim is to eliminate the remaining motståndsfickor as terrorrörelsen IS holding in Syria.

To help the american forces on the ground airpower. They have also partnered with the kurds-dominated militia, the Syrian defence forces (SDF).

Washington’s motives to have the military in Syria is that the ICE poses a domestic threat to the united states. President Trump’s statement if the withdrawal was welcomed by Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, who condemned the u.s. presence in the country.

But elsewhere, the united states has-the president’s move has created anxiety and confusion. Shortly after the statement, gave the U.S. secretary of defense Jim Mattis notice of his resignation. The U.S. military Syriensändebud Brett McGurk announced that he, too, jumps off.

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the U.S. military as a guarantee that Turkey would stay away from Syria’s kurdish areas. Turkey’s president has a longer period of time threatened to invade the parts of Syria controlled by the SDF. Turkey sees the SDF as a part of the Turkish kurds, banned terrorist independence party does the PKK.

After Trump’s announcement about the retreat turned Syrienkurdernas military of Bashar al-Assad for protection against the Turkish army.

Many observers have also noted that Trump is simply wrong – the ICE is certainly weakened in Syria, but far from defeated. Not least is the ICE allerhögste leader, Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi, is still on the loose, despite the fact that the united states put a price of 25 million dollars on his head.

in the last week, gradually retreated from its position. At the press conference last Wednesday that followed the first regeringsmöte in the White house, the president said that trupptillbakadragandet from Syria would be done ”over a period of time”, without going into details. Trump also managed to enrage syrians on both sides of the conflict by summarizing the nation of Syria in three words: ”sand and death.”

the US air strikes against IS-held communities have faced intense criticism for the civilians caught in the firing line. Recently bombed Yarmouksjukhuset which is one of the last functioning hospitals in the province of Deir ez-Zor. Earlier in the week, the united states weapon to 1.139 civilians killed by mistake since the autumn of 2014, when the operation against the IS began in Syria and Iraq.

is controversial. According to the Airwars, an independent organization that, through open sources and ögonvittnesuppgifter trying to identify the number of people killed in flygkriget against the ICE, over 11.600 civilian syrians and iraqis have been killed in the air raids.

It is not just in the north east of Syria as infighting going on. Aleppo further west have in recent days been plagued by battles between the various factions of the opposition. On Friday, it was reported that the al-Qaidaanknutna grouping Hayat Tahrir al-Sham invaded the town of Darat Izza, three miles north-west of the provincial capital Aleppo. Darat Izza held in the past by a wing which is included in the Turkey-sponsored Free Syrian Army (FSA).