Stoltenbergutvalget – ekspertutvalget about gender differences in school achievements – has presented a series of measures to equalize the gender gap in school.
Among the many interesting and controversial measures, and almost as a by the way, adds committee chairman Stoltenberg presented a proposal that will represent a threat to the Norwegian public health, a marked attenuation of skoletilbudet for Norwegian children, and a breach of the long-term objectives for the Norwegian school, to help to reduce the helseforskjeller in the populations by allowing students to “experience the joy of cooking” and “learn to make health-promoting choices”:
She will deprive the food and helsefaget in his school position.
During a Civita-breakfast Wednesday presented Stoltenberg five measures she believes are particularly important to equalize the gender gap in school.
FOOD and HEALTH: Here are the Old town school visit of Geitmyra matkultursenter. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more
One of the measures, that are not included in the actual study, is to replace the food and helsefaget with coding and programming. The reasoning is that to replace the subjects where girls do better than boys, with the subjects in which the boys might want to do it just as well or better.
the Result of such a policy will be a totally different equalization than the selection is going to work for, namely that both boys and girls will learn even less about healthy food and cooking. There is poor gender policies, and not least, it is disastrous folkehelsepolitikk. What says folkehelsedirektør Camilla Stoltenberg about such a proposal?
According to the Norwegian institute of public health is the unhealthy diet and high blood pressure the main cause, after smoking, early deaths in the Norwegian population. The Norwegian directorate of health believes that samfunnsgevinsten by following the state’s kostråd will be at 154 billion annually. It is easy to see that good public health pays off.
Matundervisningen school was originally a part of husmoropplæringen. The subject was “both” and the teachers were a kind of professional housewives. It was an important subject, but one can say that it is enough basically were a kvinnefag, where the origin was a thought that it would teach girls to become good housewives. (On my parents ‘ time had my mother both, and my father gutted.)
Amazingly enough, we do not know why girls beat guys at school Comment
But it is not so anymore. The subject in 2006 was made into food and health. It is a course that will contribute to the understanding about food and matopprinnelse, about food and culture and, not least, there shall be a practical guidance on diet and healthy måltidskultur.
the Main problem with the subject is not that it is too much of it, but that it is betting too little on following up the ambitious learning objectives. It is set by the for little money to produce, and there are too few teachers who have the expertise. When we do food – and helseundervisning on Geitmyra, with competent teachers, good time and good ingredients, we see that both the girls and boys learn, be inspired and be happy in the food that makes them good.
One could almost believe that the statement was just a miss from the utvalgslederen, in each case, when you know that she daily is director of the Norwegian institute of public health. But it looks rather as if selection operates systematically nedprioritering of food and helsefaget. In the proposed weighting of characters, it is also food and helsefaget that gets unngjelde. It is being proposed to the grade in food and health only count a third of physical education, and only half of the KRLE-course.
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Although the study does not go as far in to scrutinize food and helsefaget as Stoltenberg, suggests a total range of an option where food and health are reduced to electives. They point out that there is a nedprioritering of the subjects that will be important for students later in life.
the Key to good public health, will it be constantly repeated, is two things: Physical activity and healthy diet. How should you achieve a healthy diet, if the focus is on one but not the other? It is possible not only to fold his hands and pray that it goes well. Disastrous recipe will easily lead to jogging to the kiosk.
the Problem today is not that children and young people – or their parents – do not know that fast-food, soft drinks and snacks are unhealthy and that vegetables and fish are healthy. After a number of awareness campaigns are there not some who do not have it with him. What is missing is the knowledge to make the healthy food. The basic matmessige alfabetisme. To increase this matmessige alfabetismen is the reason why we have a food and health sciences in the school.
Tallenes tale is clear: Overweight and obesity among children is increasing dramatically. In the united STATES and the united Kingdom, there are areas where half of all children affected. Europe follows after. Over 40 per cent of children in Southern Europe are now overweight, and last year beat the World health organization stated that middelhavsdietten is dead.
It is better in Norway, though it is cause for concern: Overweight and obesity affects 15-20 per cent of 8-year-olds in Norway. For young people aged 18-20 years according to the Norwegian institute of public health an alarming increase in overweight. If we are not going to end up with the Greek or the american states, we must act quickly.
If the committee chairman Disastrous proposals are taken to the result, it will contribute to a development in the wrong direction: the Less the knowledge to make healthy food choices. What will folkehelsedirektør Stoltenberg do with this? Start an awareness campaign?
it May be that girls more than boys believe it is possible to work by itself? Comment