Washington starts tonight at approximately 17 Finnish time the house of representatives judiciary committee meeting on the subject is the president of Donald Trump against the official criminal suspicion.

the Previous two weeks, the house of representatives intelligence committee, was invited to appear before several witnesses, who spoke Trump and his assistants, the work of the Ukraine-policy.

the legal committee of the guest of only four constitutional law experts, who are wondering whether the intelligence committee yesterday published a 300-page summary of the report (you move to another service) sufficient grounds for officials of the criminal prosecution.

the house of Representatives has a democratic majority, so both of the committee are democrats, led by. Democrats, according to Trump and his circle to make a report is the content of “withering” and gives a lot of evidence of presidential wrongdoing.

– we Found a huge amount of evidence that the Us president used his position of power to gain for themselves political advantages, and took advantage of americans ‘ confidence in order to gain electoral benefits, which set our country on a compromised position, said intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff .

president write my own indictment of its application, insisting, time after time, foreign aid to the election campaign, Schiff continued.

the Republicans have produced their own 123-page letter of his, which attempts to show the president’s actions to be legal.

the legal committee, the chair of the veteran politician Jerrold (Jerry) Nadler . He is considered very pintaisena politician, which is a relatively fair chairman to pull the extremely politicised the investigation.

I don’t intend to allow any p***njauhantaa, he punched the committee of the preparatory session, reveal the Politico magazine (you move to another service).

the Thick indictment

the Committee’s work is based on the democrats two months of interrogation during the report.

on Tuesday, a report published by Trump personally, and indirectly ask the foreign administration to the Ukraine to contribute to re-election.

according to Allegations by Trump had been arrested by military aid to Ukraine, in order to be able to put pressure on the leadership of the country in search of the negative information about the democrats ‘ presidential candidate aims at Joe Bidenistä and this boy.

according to the Report, Trump endanger Us national security and trying to stop their actions against the investigation.

the legal committee is expected to vote on the matter next week. Most likely things will progress after this, the entire house of representatives to the processing of that vote office of the president of the criminal charges before christmas.

It will solve definitively the republican majority in the senate, where the president’s condemnation requires a two-thirds majority.

What’s going on Trump’s office criminal investigation?

Source: AP

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