the Woman finally managed to escape from the apartment in Surahammar, knocked on the of a familiar in the field and was later driven to the hospital. Her injuries are not life-threatening.

earlier in the week for crimes committed last weekend, 15-18 February. They arrested all three on Saturday of the Västmanlands district court for aggravated assault and unlawful detention. The women, who are 35 years of age, is also suspected of unlawful coercion.

The three ”deny everything” according to the prosecutor, Carl-Johan Norström, who in general do not want to comment on the investigation because it is in a ”sensitive stage,” said Karin Rosander, director of communications at the Prosecutor’s office, for the TT.

indicated for SVT News that they do not suspect that a few more people for involvement in the beating.

the Prosecution shall be instituted no later than the 8th of march.