the Voice is recognisable instantly. A little veiled släpig. Elegant gossamer, but still ruff.

Otherwise, noticeable really the four years that passed between ”Are we there” and ”Remind me tomorrow”, also, actually, the only two that has passed since the ep:n ”I don’t want to let you down”. Sharon Van Etten has spent the time to add new things and layers to their mix of folk rock and careful dansmusikinfluenser. And then she has added more. And a little further.

to that, there is a charming overloaded poppighet in, for example, the single ”Seventeen” and ”You shadow”, but the grand drama, she, in the production and arrangements, trying to create this was naturally already in the considerably more stripped-down and precise the songs on its predecessor.

Best tracks: ”Seventeen”

the Rock

Sharon Van Etten

”Remind me tomorrow”



Read more music reviews by Mattias Dahlström, for example, if Lost In the Heaven with the world’s currently best rock voice in sweden.